SZ Lin (林上智) writes ("Re: Registration is now open for DebConf18, in Hsinchu,
> Sorry to be replying so late.
> This request is still in discussion, we will update you soon.
Hi. Any progress ?
For the avoidance of any doubt: I think the published accomodation
rates for the DC accom
> As I am asking for an individual room, I do not expect Debconf or our
> sponsors to subsidise my room in this way. I am quite happy to pay
> the appropriate share of the actual underlying venue room cost.
> I would still like to avoid having to book a hotel off-site. But time
> is pressing o
Hello DebConf 18 team,
At 2018-07-09T16:43:28+0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Hi. Any progress ?
> For the avoidance of any doubt: I think the published accomodation
> rates for the DC accomodation include an element of
> subsidy/sponsorship.
> As I am asking for an individual room, I do not exp