l10n and i18n BoF date change

2024-07-28 Thread Carlos Henrique Lima Melara
Hi there, Sorry for the spam, but since I pitched the BoF [1] in Debconf 101 talk, I think it's a duty to inform you that it has been moved to Monday 16:30 GMT+9 at Pado (yeah, it's tomorrow, or today depending on when you are reading this mail :-). Cheers, Charles [1] https://debconf24.debconf.

Attention: Bursary BoF tomorrow (July 29th) @ 10

2024-07-28 Thread Utkarsh Gupta
Hey everyone, This is to remind y'all that we have a bursary BoF tomorrow (July 29th) at 10 AM. I’d request you to please attend that, especially if you’re a member of the bursary team or the content team. Others are most welcome - we accept all your rants, suggestions, and donations. Please come