On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 2:29 AM Hugo Thebas wrote:
> I tried to edit wiki page and write what I'll get to the party, but I do not
> have an account and I was unable to create one.
I've whitelisted your email address, so you should be able to create
an account now.
I had the same problem. In the error section you will be asked to send an
email, then you'll have an account quickly.
But I think it would be wise to open the registration now that debconf is
Le 9 juillet 2019 20:43:15 GMT-04:00, Hugo Thebas a
écrit :
>Thank you Jonathan.
>I'll look
Thank you Jonathan.
I'll look more carefully at the instructions.
In fact I was in a hurry when I tried.
Sorry for for taking your time with such little thing.
Hugo Thebas
Em ter, 9 de jul de 2019 16:03, Jonathan Carter escreveu:
> On 2019/07/09 20:28, Hugo Thebas wrote:
> > I tried to edit
Hi Hugo,
On 09/07/2019 15:28, Hugo Thebas wrote:
> I tried to edit wiki page and write what I'll get to the party, but I do
> not have an account and I was unable to create one.
what you mean with "I was unable to create one"?
Best regards,
Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - B
On 2019/07/09 20:28, Hugo Thebas wrote:
> I tried to edit wiki page and write what I'll get to the party, but I do
> not have an account and I was unable to create one.
> I still want to come to the party and bring something What should I do?
There's still time to fix your account before th
I tried to edit wiki page and write what I'll get to the party, but I do
not have an account and I was unable to create one.
I still want to come to the party and bring something What should I do?
Hugo Thebas
Em ter, 9 de jul de 2019 às 09:26, Adriana Cássia
> Hi!
> DebConf19 i
DebConf19 is coming and a lot a people going to travel soon, so just
to remember!
This C&W is the 15th official DebConf Cheese and Wine party. The first
C&W was improvised in Helsinki during DebConf 5, in the so-called
"French" room.
Cheese and Wine parties are now a tradition for DebConf. T