Re: DebConf19 Beers

2019-05-03 Thread Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Jon, do you know Pamela? Fabio talked a lot about it :-) It's a American Blonde Ale BTW, He said we can form a group to learn how to brew (is this right?) this beer at Hop'n Roll. Its 3 hours work. Best regards. On 03/05/2019 18:07, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana wrote: > Hey Jon, > > Our beers

Re: DebConf19 Beers

2019-05-03 Thread Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Hi! I forgot to tell you 2 thinks: - We will pay what we drink, in the end of DC19. So, we don't need to decide all beers we want before. - We can change the "flavour" of the beers during DC19. But its good have a idea what kind of beers we probably will drink more. Best regards, -- Paulo Henr

Re: DebConf19 Beers

2019-05-03 Thread Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Hey Jon, Our beers will be provided by Hop'n Roll ;-) best regards, On 02/05/2019 22:36, Jon "maddog" Hall wrote: > This will be odd for me, who feels "the hopper the happier", but > probably the IPA should be moderate in IBUs, as many people would not > enjoy what I like. > > md > > On Thu, M

Re: DebConf19 Beers

2019-05-03 Thread David Prévot
Hi, Le 02/05/2019 à 04:03, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana a écrit : > What kind of beers you would like get in our hacklab bar? Thank you for bringing it up early ;). > We will have 4 taps. We are thinking in: > 1 - IPA > 2 - Wheat > 3 - Pilsen > 4 - miscellaneous: Stout, England Pale Ale, Amer

Re: DebConf19 Beers

2019-05-03 Thread Andrew Lee
Andrej Shadura 於 2019年5月3日 週五 下午3:37寫道: > even Pilsen lagers can be interesting. Especially the original one, > Pilsner Urquell. I’ve not, unfortunately, had the chance to organise a > (Mini)DebConf in Bratislava yet, but if I ever do, you’ll know since > we’ve got some great lagers around. > Tha