[Debconf-discuss] Logo fix in wiki.debconf.org

2008-07-12 Thread Valessio S Brito
bug logo design in wiki.debconf.org , sugest fix, view bug: http://valessiobrito.info/projetos/WikiDebConf/screenshot-wikipage.png new sugest fix: http://valessiobrito.info/projetos/WikiDebConf/WikiDebConf-Screenshot.png get: http://valessiobrito.info/projetos/WikiDebConf/DebConf_logo.png sed s/

[Debconf-discuss] Working Artwork for Debian 'Lenny' in DebCamp

2008-08-04 Thread Valessio S Brito
I'm in the DebCamp working in proposals for Artwork of the Lenny. I made a specifies page at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianDesktopArtworkLenny For people interested in participating, with commentaries or suggestions. Initially already we have proposals of Background; The one that more I liked was n

[Debconf-discuss] Links on Wiki Debconf Publish Photos/Pictures

2008-08-04 Thread Valessio S Brito
Create a topic at http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf8/Pictures write links to pictures/photos. =P -- .ValessioBrito - http://valessiobrito.info ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listin

[Debconf-discuss] Panoramic photography DebCamp 04/08

2008-08-05 Thread Valessio S Brito
http://valessiobrito.info/fts/dc8/extras/DebCamp04082008.jpg =c) -- .ValessioBrito - http://valessiobrito.info ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-discuss

[Debconf-discuss] Bug the game Assassins

2008-08-13 Thread Valessio S Brito
I've been playing the assassins and this morning I killed my victim, but have been killed by my assassin at the afternoon. As I have just arrived Daytrip, there was at the system just the killer's report that I had been killed, and I have confirmed my death, but now I can't tell I had killed my