Hi Debconfers,
I seem to have broken the US adapter on my laptop charger[1]. Does
anybody have one I could borrow until Sunday?
[1]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IEC_60320_C5.svg
Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs; MIT SIPB
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc]
On 4 September 2014 13:38, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Aigars Mahinovs [2014-09-04 12:33 -0700]:
>> On a side note: I am note aware of any legal or privacy problems
>> occuring from uploading public CC/GPL-licensed photos to either
>> Google Plus or Flickr (paid version in both cases)
On 19 January 2017 at 00:52, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 7:44 AM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
>> I was trying to put up a mail at mail...@lists.debconf.org -
> I don't think that has ever existed, what are you trying to send there?
It is mentioned on https://lists.debconf.org/mailman/