I'm looking for people of debian projects, like
debian-['jr'|'med'|'edu'], at debcamp.
If you are not from a project like those ones, but you know about
somebody who it's part of, please tell him. May be is not on the
debconf-discuss list.
In a general way, I'm looking for projects wher
Get ready for the first Debian Soccer Cup in Oaxtapec.
As we all know, sports are good for geeks thats why I am organizing
a Debconf Football Championship/Match. I would like to invite you all
(yes, girls included) to join the championship/match.
Depending of how many people we will
I accidentally leaved my camera (powershot a700) in the night hacklab
yesterday. If anybody pick up it, I'm in the hacklab and IRC (as luciano).
Thanks a lot
Debconf-discuss mailing list
El Jue 05 Ago 2010, Michael Schultheiss escribió:
> If you have been selected to receive travel sponsorship, please provide
> me with a copy of your travel documentation (receipt or other document
> showing the price you paid) as well as the information from:
> http://www.spi-inc.org/treasurer/SP
El Lun 23 Ago 2010, Peter 'p2' De Schrijver escribió:
> Flight pricing works in very strange ways. Booking as
> early as possible doesn't guarantee you the lowest price unfortunately...
At least in my country, only something very specific and wire can low the price
in time (e.g. a drop in fuel or
Hi there,
If you have been affected by the zombie apocalypse like many of usand
already went to the doctor, you probably have a list of drugs that you need to
buy. We are organizing an expedition to the pharmacy. If you are interested, we
meet at 2pm in the hacklab.
Cheers, luciano
Hi there,
During the security BoF, two days ago, the lack of documentation was one
the main issues.
Document Debian security process is complicated. It is hard to have a
overall view and a detailed reference at the same time in an easy-to-update way.
So, in BoF room 2, at 15:30, to
On Thursday 15 August 2013, Luciano Bello wrote:
> So, in BoF room 2, at 15:30, tomorrow Aug 16, let meet and sketch how this
> document should look like.
Ups.. I mixed up the place, the day and the timeslot.
The BoF for improving Security Documentation will be:
Saturday 17th, 10:30. BoF