Re: [Debconf-discuss] Sauna at DebConf8? (was Re: Bits from the DPL)

2008-07-17 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
I did some quick googling (Google Knows Everything(tm)) and found in Mar del Plata these hotels have saunas: o Sheraton has a sauna o Costa Galana Hotel o Club Sol o Las Rocas o Dos Reyes o Primacy Apartments o Gran Hotel Iruna o Torres de Manantiales md -- Jon "maddog" Hall Executiv

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Pick-pockets (sub-title: I had been warned).

2008-07-28 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Keep a list of your credit card suppliers and numbers separate from your wallet, but handy in case you lose them or (particularly) if you have them stolen. md -- Jon "maddog" Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Pick-pockets (sub-title: I had been warned).

2008-07-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
All, You might also want to leave a copy of that in a sealed envelope with someone you trust before you leave home. Sorry to sound so paranoid, but I *did not* do that before traveling to a large city in a very wealthy country and having my wallet lifted. The reason I knew my wallet had been lif

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Pick-pockets (sub-title: I had been warned).

2008-07-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
>Your bank notices within minutes, that you buy liquor and even >dares to phone you about that? I would be scared! It is called "profiling", and the profile of me buying liquor in that type of establishment, with a card that I had only used once before in two years, in a foreign country did not fi

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Sauna, Pool, Gym and running

2008-08-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
How many people can you fit in the sauna? Should we try for a new world record? md -- Jon "maddog" Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW:

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Sauna, Pool, Gym and running

2008-08-02 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
uld-eat restaurant. We almost had to leave one person behind on the way back. md -- Jon "maddog" Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: http://w

[Debconf-discuss] The Big Organ

2008-08-14 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hello, For those of you who went to my talk about why Linux is like a Player Piano the other day, some people wanted to have the URLs for the Opus I organ and Trinity Church in New York City. The website of the maker of the organ: http://www.marshal

[Debconf-discuss] Retractable ETHERNET cable missing from first floor hacklab

2008-08-15 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hello, Phil Hands borrowed a retractable RJ-45 ETHERNET cable from me and attached it to a small computer in the first floor hacklab. Today that cable is missing and I need it to do some testing (and so my collection of retractable cables is complete). Please return it to maddog in the first flo

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf10 to take place in New York City, USA

2009-02-25 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
st regards, maddog -- Jon "maddog" Hall Executive Director Linux International(R) email: 80 Amherst St. Voice: +1.603.672.4557 Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A. WWW: Board Member: Uniforum Association Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Associa

Re: [Debconf-discuss] OpenMoko Freerunner phones discounted for DebConf attendees

2009-05-14 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
>I suspect there's a stylus, too, right? When you follow the links it will take you to the ordering site where you will find out that the "buzz-free" Openmoko Neo Freerunner phone (A7)" actually includes: Power charger 220-110V,a stylus , USB cable for data transfer and battery as well as the p

Re: [Debconf-discuss] More questions regarding what to bring for DebConf10 (and other stuff)

2010-07-23 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
David, >Perhaps just my lack of travel experience to blame, or perhaps just >really horrible luck.. In the past 30 years I have traveled to over 100 countries, most of them more than one time. I have gone places that my government has deemed "unsafe" for various political reasons. In every larg

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
To my Swiss friends: > Moreover, since will also produce quite soon a Debian (not > Swiss army knife (Victorinox, not Wenger), it would be a good > idea to discuss about which type of knife people would prefer: Many years ago, for the 25th anniversary of the Swiss Unix User's

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
As far as the "Merchandise BoF" goes, I would love to participate in the brainstorming, but I am only going to be there Saturday, Sunday and most of Monday. Sometime on Saturday afternoon would be good for me, or Monday mid-day. Then again, I can always participate via email, although it is more

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Questions about Banja Luka

2011-03-21 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Hi John, As someone who has traveled to over 100 countries, and most of them more than once, let me give you a little advice about the U.S. State Department and its advisories: Take them with a grain of salt, or even a whole salt shaker. I was invited to a conference in Mendelene, Colombia. A f

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Attendee average age?

2011-04-07 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
>Adnan Hodzic dijo [Mon, Apr 04, 2011 at 11:05:37PM +0200]: >> Hey, >> >> On one of my visits to Banja Luka, one of the hotels owners asked me >> what is the average age of DebConf attendees? This made me think about >> it, does anyone have any number on what could be/or what is the >> average age

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Attendee average age?

2011-04-07 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
>you must be 301*35-300*30=1535 years old at least! On a good day I feel that young! md ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Attendee average age?

2011-04-07 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
>Ahhh, not really. We have quite a share of potential grandfathers >who are now for three years united in their own project[1]. :-))) >Kind regards > Andreas. >[1] Andreas, I would have more enthusiasm for the project if it was:

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Attendee average age?

2011-04-07 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
Ladies and gentlemen, >> Man, and there are still some people who doubt Santa Claus' >>existence! >Eh, so now we have the Answer to the Question: Santa Claus indeed >exists and Jon *is* Santa Claus. I do not want anyone to think that I would even *pretend* to be the esteemed Saint Nicholas, who