If i have a server behind a firewall and i am not responsible for the
firewall, what ports do you need to be open ?
2007/6/7, Holger Levsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> [This is a mail to multiple lists, please only reply to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], thanks. (Headers should be set for it).]
> Dear
Hello Patty,
Add one more.
2007/6/18, Patty Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> One of the traditions that has sprouted with each Debconf is taking a day to
> learn more about our hosting country and spend with other developers for
> recreation and socialization. We've had many successful DayTri
Well, you forgot to tell wiki page, just as a reminder:
2007/6/17, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The Cheese and Wine party is scheduled for Monday 18th 22:00 local
> time at the night venue (alcohol is prohibited inside the Teviot
> H
And a green plastic bag with a power adapter (which i borrowed from
somebody else)?
(What have you been doing arround here? It looks nice, but we lost
part of our stuff)
> Hi,
> Did anyone see a transparent plastic bag with some tape and a numbe
W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> Quoting "Petter Reinholdtsen" :
>> This of course mean I will not visit debconf
>> 10. :(
I shall visit debconf 10 if it is possible to me.
>> On the positive side, I hope to get to Spain for Debconf9 this summer,
>> and look forward to seeing you all there. :)
I'll be
Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Ana Guerrero dijo [Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 02:15:35PM +0100]:
>> (...)
>> The best way is going via Madrid airport. Once in Madrid, get a train or a
>> bus to Cáceres.
>> - Train
>> From the airport get the metro to "Atocha Renfe". There are only 4-5 trains
>> every d
Hi David,
> How much is the regular room per person and night?
Depend on the hostel/hotel you book.
> and when we will have to pay it?
That's something you probably have to figure it out with your
hostel/hotel you are staying at.
David, not sure if this makes sense to you, but if you are not
Hi again,
> So I suppose I have missundesrtood something when talking with martin
> about this , so ok I will look for a room myself but then what's the
> difference in select "regular room" or "I will arrange my own
> accommodation" option?
Regular room is a sponsored room (Debian pays) and if y
> I corrected the page accordingly. To our Spanish friends, is there a
> vague possibility that the RENFE web site omits to mention some trains?
All the time that i have ridden a RENFE train the web schedules were right.
Héctor Orón
2009/5/10 Christian Perrier :
>> Madrid-Caceres: 16:40-20:02 --> no such train
00194TALGO 16:40 20:02
>> Caceres-Madrid: 09:25-12:51 --> no such train
00197TALGO 09:
I arrive July 18th, I can also help with the WLAN set up, if you do
not do it all the first and second debcamp days :-)
BTW, would it be helpful to have OpenWRT firmware binaries built
somewhere, just to flash the devices quicker?
2009/7/4 Holger Levsen :
> Hi,
> the venue(s) dont
2009/7/7 Holger Levsen :
>> BTW, would it be helpful to have OpenWRT firmware binaries built
>> somewhere, just to flash the devices quicker?
> Yes, sure. I count on Andrew here :)
I was going to made some prebuilt images, but openwrt people already has made it
Hi all,
I have put together some pieces to have automated builds for fonera
and broadcom firmware, if everything is OK, I could do the build so
there is no need to build and modify in situ (@DC9).
$ tar xzf openwrt-dc9.tgz
$ sh build_dc_wlan_git.sh
Under config/
the openwrt default confi
Some other operators (in spanish):
Need to read and understand contract before buying one of those devices.
* Orange
Hi Don,
2009/7/22 Don Armstrong :
> I'm actually interested in tracking one of these down today; does
> anyone know of a store around which would have them (and would someone
> with more spanish knowledge than me be interested in helping me get
> one?)
I am also available to help you translating
Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:
>>> https://penta.debconf.org/penta/volunteer/schedule - according to this,
>> I get Debconf7 schedule when going to that link.
> select dc9 in the menu on the left
Everytime I try to join, iceweasel and epiphany-b
Hello again,
Apologies, I forgot [1]
[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-arm/2010/06/msg00017.html
-- Hector Oron
Héctor Orón
"Our Sun unleashes tremendous flares expelling hot gas into the Solar
System, which one day will disconne
Dear debconf organizers,
I am sure you have lots of concerns right now, but do not worry so
much everything will be fine.
I write here because it is still uncertain to me how late-time
BoF/talks are handled. I have scheduled a couple BoF on my penta
profile, but those were late on time. I was
Dear Micah,
On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 09:58:26AM -0400, micah wrote:
> Please consider using mirror.cc.columbia.edu for the duration of
> Debconf!
IIRC while Debconf at Extremadura all debian.org DNS were hijacked and pointed
to a local mirror. Thanks to DSA.
Would it be useful and/or possible to
> We visited Amsterdam restarurant last night in desperation, and
> found:
> - draft ales
> - excellent food
> - wall power by tables
> - free wireless, no key required
> There was fairly loud music by midnight though, so it may be just quiet in
> the day time.
I do not remember
On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 06:46:14AM +1000, geo...@trinity.unimelb.edu.au wrote:
> Anyone know if there are washing machines in carman, or nearby?
-- Hector Oron
Debconf-discuss mailing l
2011/5/25 Velimir Iveljic :
> As we approach this years DebConf, stuff like deciding on the T-Shirt
> design needs to be done :)
> The proposed designs are here: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts
Which is the final date on which we can start telling our potential
sponsors tha
2011/7/25 Geert Stappers :
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 12:27:29PM +0200, Didier Raboud wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I had registered the "Mobile UXes BoF" but couldn't get a slot for it. Now I
>> am considering to use the additional meeting room to hold it. But??? I'm not
>> really confident in hosti
2011/7/28 Andreas Tille :
> When checking the times in the Wiki the first "block" of people needs to
> be at the airport at 10:00 and others need to be at the train station at
> 11:00. This would mean that the first bus can not go later than 6:00
> (please some local confirm that 4h is a
2011/7/31 Dobrica Pavlinusic :
> Several people expressed interest in visiting Zagreb or killing few
> hours between arriving in Zagreb and flights, so we will be waiting
> at bus station in Zagreb for following Banja Luka -> Zagreb busses:
> 08:45 -> 11:55
Ooops, we hire a DebConf bus leavi
On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 06:41:53AM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> After a deep freeze that started at 05:30, debian-bus version 1.0 was
> uploaded at 05:58 with no critical bugs. We expect the release to be
> shipped in Zagreb at 10:00.
It has been released before time, around 9:30(-ish
2012/7/12 Didier Raboud :
> If this can help (for both a room and a video team), I guess (CC'ing the other
> "speakers") that the Debian Mobile BoF can be rescheduled to the 14. at 10h00
> in Roberto Terán.
> Opinions ?
I was unable to reply before, but on my side, as one of the speakers,
Hola / Hello,
Durante DebConf12, han habido unas pocas discusiones acerca de traer
niños al DebConf. Está claro que se necesita una vía paralela
organizada por las partes interesadas.
El pensamiento actual versa sobre crear un campamento para los niños
, así los padres de esta manera podrían e
2012/7/15 Ben Armstrong :
> The commits list is indeed not the list I would suggest. Hector, I
> wasn't specific about it last night, but there is
> debian...@lists.debian.org, and that would be appropriate.
That sounds reasonable, let's keep in touch and discuss about it at
[ Forwarding a message I think it was targetting mailing lists]
-- Forwarded message --
From: Hazel Lizeth Bonilla Calderón
Date: 2012/7/16
Subject: Re: Debian Kids Camp for DebConf-next
To: Hector Oron
Would be very good a Debian Kids Camp, would be to prepare well to see
2012/7/16 Gaudenz Steinlin :
> Martin Zobel-Helas writes:
>> On Sun Jul 15, 2012 at 21:21:55 +0200, Hector Oron wrote:
>>> That sounds reasonable, let's keep in touch and discuss about it at
>> IMHO the child-care at DC13 itself should be di
2012/7/18 Andreas Tille :
> I like the plan even if "debian-jr must coordinate with DebConf team"
> does not reflect the reality: Whoever steps into debian-jr *becomes*
> debian-jr itself (because there does not seem to be any such thing like
> debian-jr team any more). So if those people ar
2012/7/18 Gunnar Wolf :
> I think this proposal is important and might bring many people to
> DebConf who would not attend otherwise, or might allow some parents in
> Debian to spend more vacation time with their family, which leads to a
> happy Debian corpus, and is great. Even more in the s
2014-09-29 11:05 GMT+02:00 martin f krafft :
> Now just someone has to package bcache-tools ;)
Or sponsor...
Héctor Orón -.. . -... .. .- -. -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.
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