[Debconf-discuss] Reminder: Debian-HPC BoF, friday 16:00

2008-08-13 Thread Fabricio Cannini
Hi! This s just a reminder for the multi-core, multi-processed beings here in mar del plata. i'm going to make a BoF about using Debian in HPC environments, specially in parallel/beowulf-like configurations. Andi'd like to hear from you, fellow debianistas, what has been your experiences with u

Re: [Debconf-discuss] MDQ-Retiro on Sunday / BA accomodations

2008-08-14 Thread Fabricio Cannini
Em Thursday 14 August 2008 18:37:39 Andreas Tille escreveu: > On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Jacobo Tarrio wrote: > > El jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008 a las 18:13:03 -0300, martin f krafft escribía: > >> there's a ticket office at the corner of St. Martín and the street > >> of last night's hotel. > > > > FW