[Debconf-discuss] advice while making Debconf proposals

2017-04-27 Thread shirish शिरीष
Dear all, I should have shared this probably 2 weeks ago when proposal window had just begin but the advice got triggered when a colleague asked as any guidelines to follow. While I did share some things, I figured later that bits of it might be relevant to the larger pool of people who would atte

[Debconf-discuss] possible to have a bug squashing party during debconf ?

2017-04-27 Thread shirish शिरीष
Dear Antoine, Read your https://anarc.at/blog/2017-04-09-montreal-bsp-report/ , while I know some of the tools, not all, would be interesting if we could have a similar sprint irrespective of whether stretch is released or not. At the very least, dissemination of the knowledge of the tools would