Hi all,
I made a page with my conversations with Bernelle (sometime ago) which
clears the air somewhat for a prospective traveler coming to South
Africa to not just be for the conference but also have a bit of
holiday with/on her/im and expenses s/he can expect .
Quoting shirish शिरीष (2016-05-06 01:03:18)
> Here's a link to the on-line listing
I confidently use skyscanner.com - some claim that other services bring
cheaper results but none of them have proven better in my tests.
> My idea is to land in South Africa on 30th morning or evening,
One way t
On 6 May 2016 at 04:33, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> Hi all,
> Now I have budgeted at $837 which is around around one and a half
> times the cheapest ticket available $587 .
Check prices at www.akbartravels.com too.
I got cheap tickets for DebConf15 last year from this Indian travel
web-site compa
Hi shirish, all
Thanks for working this into a wiki.
> If time is not a BIG issue, land at Johannesburg & take train to Cape
> Town. Very cheap deal. [I evaluated this option for me virtually ;-) ]
> Yeah it's approximately 1300 kilometers 1 way journey, but that's
> again if you have time & int