[Debconf-discuss] Run now (was: Lunch now!)

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Gabriella Coleman (bie...@gmail.com): > > P.S. The food in John Jay is very nice and plentiful, but most of it > > is pretty heavy in fat, so choose wisely. > > There is a great salad bar that is not heavy in fat and where a lot of > the gluten free, vegan, and veggie options are as well.

[Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
I (along with my son) landed yesterday in NYC. We had about 2.5 kilograms of cheese in our bags. On the US customs form, we did check the "I bring food" box. So, at immigration, the guy checking our passports marked the form so that customs can pay attention That was the only "frightening" mo

[Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Ben Armstrong
I'm scouting out decent places to get coffee[0] nearby while I'm staying at Furnald. On the coffeegeek.com regional forum for east US, joetheartofcoffee.com comes highly recommended, and I'll definitely check it out, but it looks rather far to walk to make it a daily ritual. Any place closer I

[Debconf-discuss] Kitchen stuff to bring

2010-07-29 Thread Margarita Manterola
Hi! I just went around checking the different "Lounges" that we have available (eating and hanging out spaces). Most of them have kitchens and ovens were you can cook, but none of them have any pots or kettles, nor any other utensils, so if you want to make tea or cook something, be sure to bring

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Gabriella Coleman
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Ben Armstrong wrote: > I'm scouting out decent places to get coffee[0] nearby while I'm staying > at Furnald. > > On the coffeegeek.com regional forum for east US, joetheartofcoffee.com > comes highly recommended, and I'll definitely check it out, but it looks > ra

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi Don, if you leave the campus between Furnald and Carman, cross the street there is a breakfast place right across the street (the one where you can go inside but which also has an icecream counter to the street) which has more or less decent coffee at a half-decent price. So far the the 2nd

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Gabriella Coleman
> That said, both are not what I really consider real good but merely > acceptable. Good coffee is what I miss most here. Ok for those who venture out and want to try out coffee shops around NYC, here is the source to get the goods: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/10/dining/10coffee.html > __

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Paul Wise
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Holger Levsen wrote: > Will try Nussbaum & Wu next. For those who don't drink coffee, they also do bagels and excellent smoothies. -- bye, pabs http://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf at Columbia

2010-07-29 Thread Bdale Garbee
On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:30:43 -0700, "Garrett D'Amore" wrote: > That might be fun. I just recently got my L2 NAR cert (at LDRS in fact > -- which was conveniently close to us this year.) Congrats! Keith and I are both L3 .. he earned his a couple weekends ago in Brothers, OR. My son and I flew

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bars in the Area

2010-07-29 Thread David Moreno
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 2:04 AM, Pablo Duboue wrote: > Then there's also The Heights on Broadway at almost 111th. It has a rooftop > bar. Rooftop bars are the way to go. -- http://twitter.com/damogzito http://stereonaut.net/ New York: 917 715 5664 Mexico City: 55 4383 6914 ___

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bars in the Area

2010-07-29 Thread Giacomo A. Catenazzi
On 29.07.2010 16:59, David Moreno wrote: > On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 2:04 AM, Pablo Duboue > wrote: > > Then there's also The Heights on Broadway at almost 111th. It has a > rooftop bar. > > > Rooftop bars are the way to go. Are there beer-garden around? Mayb

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Holger Levsen
On Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010, Holger Levsen wrote: > Hi Don, ups, sorry Ben & Don! :-) signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debconf.org/mailm

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bars in the Area

2010-07-29 Thread David Moreno
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote: > > > Rooftop bars are the way to go. > > Are there beer-garden around? > Not that I'm aware of, no. The bier garten bars I know are not too close to the venue: the Meatpacking District[1], Astoria[2], Williamsburg[3], the East Village[

[Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Luca Capello
Hi there or, better, here :-) As usual, debian.ch brought some merchandise (T-Shirts, umbrellas and foilstickers) to DebConf10: http://debian.ch/merchandise/ http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20100618.114343.54b5236d.en.html Since together with Debian-UK it seems that debian.ch is the othe

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Kitchen stuff to bring

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Margarita Manterola (ma...@debian.org): > We are missing some fridges in some of our floors, but Columbia people are > going to try to fix that. In the meantime, if you need a fridge for your > cheese, ask me and I'll point you to the nearest fridge. Carman 6th floor may need a *second*

[Debconf-discuss] cdn.debian.net pointing at the DebConf10 local mirror?

2010-07-29 Thread Luca Capello
Hi there! My default repository is cdn.debian.net: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/02/msg00700.html It seems that more and more people are using it and d-i would like to use it as well: http://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/2010/05/msg00015.html Would it be possible to add a loc

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Axel Beckert
Hi, Luca Capello wrote: > Hi there or, better, here :-) I'm not here, eh, there, but anyway: > Since together with Debian-UK it seems that debian.ch is the other major > entity who produce Debian merchandise, You forgot Alexander "formorer" Wirt who supplies nearly every Debian booth in Germany

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

2010-07-29 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> That was the only "frightening" moment. The person in charge at > customs just asked us "so you declared you bring food"?. Answer: "yes, > we're bringing some French hard cured cheese". Answer from the customs > guy: "OK, you can go, guys". Same here, just wrote down "cheese" on that paper, was

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 08:52:02AM -0400, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > Nussbaum and Wu carries Stumptown, which is great coffee > http://www.nussbaumwu.com/ > http://www.stumptowncoffee.com/ On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 09:13:21PM -0400, Gabriella Coleman wrote: > The roof of The Heights > http://www.y

Re: [Debconf-discuss] cdn.debian.net pointing at the DebConf10 local mirror?

2010-07-29 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On 07/29/2010 11:27 AM, Luca Capello wrote: > Hi there! > > My default repository is cdn.debian.net: > > http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/02/msg00700.html > > It seems that more and more people are using it and d-i would like to > use it as well: > > http://lists.debian.org/debian-

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Lunch now!

2010-07-29 Thread Aigars Mahinovs
On 28 July 2010 12:04, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > Lunch is available today and every weekday for the rest of the conference > (except daytrip day) in the John Jay cafeteria from 11:30 until 2. Please > bring > $13 if you are one of the people paying per meal. For future days, food > tickets > will

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Ben Armstrong
On 07/29/2010 12:12 PM, Holger Levsen wrote: > ups, sorry Ben& Don! :-) > Forgiven. :) Any more of this, though, and I'm going to carelessly start signing "Don" (and I suggest Don might do vice versa). D^hBen ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debc

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Ben Armstrong
On 07/29/2010 10:41 AM, Holger Levsen wrote: > Will try Nussbaum& Wu next. > Very interested to hear your report on that! Ben ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-disc

Re: [Debconf-discuss] cdn.debian.net pointing at the DebConf10 local mirror?

2010-07-29 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, I just keep my sources.list the way it is. Unless you download hundreds of gigabytes that pretty fine I guess. cheers, Holger signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf-d

Re: [Debconf-discuss] IPv6-rDNS broken (IN NS invalid)

2010-07-29 Thread micah anderson
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 02:52:41 +0200, Adrian Knoth wrote: > This mail probably needs to be forwarded to the local DNS admin. It's > about IPv6 DNS in the Hacklab or DC10 in general, so if you're not > concerned, there's no need to read on. ;) I have sent this on to the appropriate people. micah

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread micah anderson
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 09:14:31 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote: > May I suggest capturing this wealth of information on the debconf.org wiki? > That will be a bit friendlier than directing people to the list archives. :) You may, but you may also realize that when you make such suggestions you become

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 02:27:40PM -0400, micah anderson wrote: > On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 09:14:31 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote: > > May I suggest capturing this wealth of information on the debconf.org wiki? > > That will be a bit friendlier than directing people to the list archives. :) > You may,

[Debconf-discuss] DebCamp party tomorrow!

2010-07-29 Thread Jameson Rollins
Tomorrow, Friday July 30, NYC Resistor [0], a local hacker collective, is graciously hosting a party for DebCamp attendees. There will be a keg of delicious local beer [1] (for a modest charge of ~$3 per cup), but feel free to bring whatever you want to drink as well. Festivities will begin after

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

2010-07-29 Thread David Smith
I've never been to a wine & cheese party before.. Was thinking about going.. So I just pick up a block of mozzarella from Wal-mart or something, or does it have to be extra fancy cheese? I think the only cheese I don't like is Swiss.. Though I can count the number of different cheese I've had on

Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebCamp party tomorrow!

2010-07-29 Thread Gabriella Coleman
Hi folks, I know some people are planning on going to sys admin appreciation day [1] as well and if you are, I would encourage you to ALSO come to this party afterwards. I suspect the Gingerman bar will be awesome and awesomely crowded so that after awhile people will want to escape to the peace an

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

2010-07-29 Thread David Moreno
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 2:44 PM, David Smith wrote: > I've never been to a wine & cheese party before.. > Was thinking about going.. > > So I just pick up a block of mozzarella from Wal-mart or something, or does > it have to be extra fancy cheese? I think the only cheese I don't like is > Swiss

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting David Moreno (da...@axiombox.com): > There's no formal guidelines on how to approach the cheese and wine party. > It's recommended that you bring a nice cheese of your choice from the region > you live in. If you think a ball of Wal-Mart's mozzarella is representative > of your region, tha

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, On Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010, Steve Langasek wrote: > > You may, but you may also realize that when you make such suggestions > > you become the volunteer, which I think may have just happened. > Nope. You seem to be new here :-p cheers, Holger signature.asc Description: This is

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 29-07-2010 11:15, Luca Capello wrote: > Hi there or, better, here :-) > > As usual, debian.ch brought some merchandise (T-Shirts, umbrellas and > foilstickers) to DebConf10: > > http://debian.ch/merchandise/ > http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/messa

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
To my Swiss friends: > Moreover, since debian.ch will also produce quite soon a Debian (not > debian.ch) Swiss army knife (Victorinox, not Wenger), it would be a good > idea to discuss about which type of knife people would prefer: Many years ago, for the 25th anniversary of the Swiss Unix User's

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
As far as the "Merchandise BoF" goes, I would love to participate in the brainstorming, but I am only going to be there Saturday, Sunday and most of Monday. Sometime on Saturday afternoon would be good for me, or Monday mid-day. Then again, I can always participate via email, although it is more

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Bringing cheese (and wine and.....stuff) for the Cheese and Wine party is very easy

2010-07-29 Thread John Goerzen
Thanks Christian. Bringing cheese was logistically difficult for me, as I'm going halfway across a continent by train, which is a 40-hour trip. Plus Kansas isn't known for cheese. Almost brought a cylinder of funeral cheese, which has a distinctive name and history, though not much of a disti

Re: [Debconf-discuss] IPv6-rDNS broken (IN NS invalid)

2010-07-29 Thread micah anderson
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 02:52:41 +0200, Adrian Knoth wrote: > This mail probably needs to be forwarded to the local DNS admin. It's > about IPv6 DNS in the Hacklab or DC10 in general, so if you're not > concerned, there's no need to read on. ;) I think that they have implemented a fix to this, they

[Debconf-discuss] Maintaining cheese for the Cheese and Wine party?

2010-07-29 Thread Rogério Brito
Hi there. I will be bringing cheese. Will I have any place (refrigerator) where I could leave it? Thanks, -- Rogério Brito : rbr...@{mackenzie,ime.usp}.br : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8 http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito : http://meusite.mackenzie.com.br/rbrito Projects: algorithms.berlios.de : lame.sf.n

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Decent coffee nearby?

2010-07-29 Thread micah anderson
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 15:16:21 -0400, Holger Levsen wrote: > Hi, > > On Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010, Steve Langasek wrote: > > > You may, but you may also realize that when you make such suggestions > > > you become the volunteer, which I think may have just happened. > > Nope. > > You seem to be ne

Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Lunch now!

2010-07-29 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Jimmy Kaplowitz writes: > Lunch is available today and every weekday for the rest of the conference > (except daytrip day) in the John Jay cafeteria from 11:30 until 2. Please > bring > $13 if you are one of the people paying per meal. For future days, food > tickets > will be involved, but not

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?

2010-07-29 Thread Anto Recio
+1 Debian wine was very successful ;) salud Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escribió: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > On 29-07-2010 11:15, Luca Capello wrote: > >> Hi there or, better, here :-) >> >> As usual, debian.ch brought some merchandise (T-Shirts, umbrellas an

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Maintaining cheese for the Cheese and Wine party?

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Rogério Brito (rbr...@ime.usp.br): > Hi there. > > I will be bringing cheese. Will I have any place (refrigerator) where I > could leave it? There are refrigerators in dorms (at least in the small lounges at each (or nearly each) floor. ___ D

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Maintaining cheese for the Cheese and Wine party?

2010-07-29 Thread Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 05:10:24PM -0300, Rogério Brito wrote: > Hi there. > > I will be bringing cheese. Will I have any place (refrigerator) where I > could leave it? Yes, there is. At least at Carman building I've found two which could be used for this. Regards, -- -

Re: [Debconf-discuss] IPv6-rDNS broken (IN NS invalid)

2010-07-29 Thread Adrian Knoth
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 04:06:24PM -0400, micah anderson wrote: > > This mail probably needs to be forwarded to the local DNS admin. It's > > about IPv6 DNS in the Hacklab or DC10 in general, so if you're not > > concerned, there's no need to read on. ;) > > I think that they have implemented a f

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Maintaining cheese for the Cheese and Wine party?

2010-07-29 Thread Rogério Brito
Hi. On Jul 29 2010, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote: > Yes, there is. At least at Carman building I've found two which could be used > for this. Thanks to both Tiago and Christian for the answers. You guys are really helpful. -- Rogério Brito : rbr...@{ime.usp.br,gmail.com} : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8

[Debconf-discuss] children's activities (was Re: group meals?)

2010-07-29 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Clint Adams writes: > http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/TouristActivities#Things_for_children I've added more suggestions there; thanks for the pointer. -- Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org) http://www.mit.edu/~amu/ | http://stuff.mit.edu/cgi/finger/?...@monk.

[Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: morning run planned Fri 30th 8am

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Subject says it all. We'll meet at 8am in front of Carman building. "Plans" include: - either walking quietly to Central Park (about 1km distance down to 110th St-Cathedral Pway, which is NW corner of Central Park), then run in Central Park. Possible loops are mentioned on http://maps.google.com/m

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: morning run planned Fri 30th 8am

2010-07-29 Thread Iustin Pop
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 08:12:18PM -0400, Christian PERRIER wrote: > Subject says it all. We'll meet at 8am in front of Carman > building. "Plans" include: > > - either walking quietly to Central Park (about 1km distance down to > 110th St-Cathedral Pway, which is NW corner of Central Park), then

[Debconf-discuss] BoF best practices

2010-07-29 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
Hi everybody, together with Gregor, I've written down some best practices on how to organize DebConf BoF, and posted them at: http://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2010/07/DebConf_BoF_HOWTO/ (Full text is attached to this mail for offline readers; it's in Markdown format.) Comments and improvem

[Debconf-discuss] Key signing

2010-07-29 Thread Adnan Hodzic
I obviously missed the deadline to register for this years key signing party, so is there's still a way for me to get to key signing party and get my key signed? Adnan ___ Debconf-discuss mailing list Debconf-discuss@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debco

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key signing

2010-07-29 Thread Margarita Manterola
Hola Adnan Hodzic! > I obviously missed the deadline to register for this years key signing > party, so is there's still a way for me to get to key signing party > and get my key signed? I do plan to key sign, even if I'm not part of the party. We just exchange fingerprints and be happy. -- Lo

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key signing

2010-07-29 Thread Adnan Hodzic
> Hola Adnan Hodzic! Hola! :) > I do plan to key sign, even if I'm not part of the party. We just exchange > fingerprints and be happy. Excellent. Thanks, Adnan On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Margarita Manterola wrote: > Hola Adnan Hodzic! > >> I obviously missed the deadline to register

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key signing

2010-07-29 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Adnan Hodzic (ad...@foolcontrol.org): > I obviously missed the deadline to register for this years key signing > party, so is there's still a way for me to get to key signing party > and get my key signed? You can do it the good old way by printing fingerprints of your key and distribute t

[Debconf-discuss] Questions regarding the mass-KSP at DebConf10

2010-07-29 Thread Rogério Brito
Hi there. Before I pack everything to go depart here from Brazil, I would like to do my homework regarding the KSP. In Aníbal's page, it is said that one should print the whole file consisting of the keys and fingerprints. But the whole thing can take (depending on how you do it) 23 pages. What

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Key signing

2010-07-29 Thread Adnan Hodzic
> You can do it the good old way by printing fingerprints of your key > and distribute them to ppl who are willing to do some keysigning > (mostly ppl from the keysigning list plus other people who prefer not > participating to the big signing stuff). That's what I was planning of doing, also is t

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Questions regarding the mass-KSP at DebConf10

2010-07-29 Thread Don Armstrong
On Thu, 29 Jul 2010, Rogério Brito wrote: > Before I pack everything to go depart here from Brazil, I would like to > do my homework regarding the KSP. > > In Aníbal's page, it is said that one should print the whole file > consisting of the keys and fingerprints. But the whole thing can take > (d

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Questions regarding the mass-KSP at DebConf10

2010-07-29 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Rogério Brito writes: > What is the common practices to be a little greener regarding this? I was able to get it down to 9 pages (5 sheets double-sided) with a2ps -B -f6.4; it looks like you'll neeed to use -f6.2 to achieve the same page count with A4 paper, though. (Either way, you'll need rea

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Questions regarding the mass-KSP at DebConf10

2010-07-29 Thread Rogério Brito
Hi, people. On Jul 29 2010, Aaron M. Ucko wrote: > Rogério Brito writes: > > What is the common practices to be a little greener regarding this? > > I was able to get it down to 9 pages (5 sheets double-sided) with > a2ps -B -f6.4; it looks like you'll neeed to use -f6.2 to achieve the > same pa

Re: [Debconf-discuss] Questions regarding the mass-KSP at DebConf10

2010-07-29 Thread Yaroslav Halchenko
my recipe so far is tr '\n' '|' < ksp-dc10.txt | sed -e 's,|| ,,g' -e 's,OK||,OK|,g' -e 's,||,|,g' | tr '|' '\n' | mpage -4 -bletter -P- | ps2pdf - ksp-dc10.pdf which changes formatting a bit but gets it into 4 pages (so 2 sided sheets) with 4 pages on each... tomorrow will check readability