ped with MERCOSUR
stamps at the airport. The situation in South America regarding free
travel is tricky, but hopefully improving, check:
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José Miguel Parrella Romero PGP Key 0x005C3B82
Debian Developer
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Giacomo Catenazzi escribió:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a good book shop in MDQ or in BA, where I could find
> some oldest editions of Borges' books. Any idea where I could find it?
I've seen two bookstores in MDQ, one is in Peatonal San Martín (exi
s in ATMs in
order to reduce fraud. At least in .ve the daily withdrawal limit is the
same than this one you're citing for .ar.
However, some banks/networks/cards allow you to call and raise it.
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José Miguel Parrella Romero