Dear all,
I have a benchmark 2-D problem with a square with linear elastic material
under a uniform gravity in the horizontal direction. No boundary condition
is given to the structure. I lumped the mass matrix so there is no solver
involved in the problem. I expected the results would give
Dear Dr. Wolfgang,
Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciated it. I will definitely
check out what ASPECT does.
On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 11:08:53 PM UTC-5 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> On 11/29/21 1:35 PM, Chen Shen wrote:
> >
> > I have a benchmark 2
Dear all,
I am trying to output cell stress for a linear elasticity problem. I have
computed the stresses at the quadrature points fro each cell. The cell
stress is then computed using the averages of the stress at the quad
points. But I am not sure how to output the stress values as constant
ell, "cell_data",
>> DataOut::type_cell_data);`. This might be what you are looking for. To
>> access the right entry in the vector you can use
>> `CellAccessor::active_cell_index()`.
>> Peter
>> On Tuesday, 16 February 2021 at 21:58:18 U
Thank you Professor Bangerth! I will try it out!
On Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 5:42:29 PM UTC-5 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> On 2/16/21 2:37 PM, peter rum wrote:
> > I just realized that you want to do that for multiple components. In
> that case
> > you might have to create a auxiliary DoFHan