Re: [deal.II] Periodic bc for dim=1

2022-02-08 Thread Praveen C
I am getting compilation error [100%] Linking CXX executable main Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "void dealii::GridTools::collect_periodic_faces >(dealii::parallel::distributed::Triangulation<1, 1> const&, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, std::__1::vector::cell_iterator>, std::__1

[deal.II] Cluster installation error with symengine library

2022-02-08 Thread Stephanie Sparks
Hello, I am trying to install deal.ii on my university cluster and have been successful up to this point; however, when I attempt to run examples I get the following error: ./step-1: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dire

Re: [deal.II] Periodic bc for dim=1

2022-02-08 Thread Marc Fehling
Hello Praveen, the parallel::distributed::Triangulation class is not instantiated for dim=1, only for dim>1. The reason behind it is that p4est does not allow to create 1D domains. With any other Triangulation class you should be fine. Marc On Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 1:01:02 AM UTC-7 Prav

[deal.II] Re: Cluster installation error with symengine library

2022-02-08 Thread Raghunandan Pratoori
Hi Stephanie, I use a singularity container with deal.ii on my university cluster. I found it to be much simpler and working on any other cluster tried without any problems. I suggest you try that as it is a more reliable solution. Also, if needed, I can give you access to the singularity contai

Re: [deal.II] Re: Cluster installation error with symengine library

2022-02-08 Thread Timo Heister
Stephanie, I think you likely don't need some fine, am i right? Just comment out the line for it in the candi.cfg and rerun the setup (you might need to delete the tmp directory). On Tue, Feb 8, 2022, 10:01 Raghunandan Pratoori wrote: > Hi Stephanie, > > I use a singularity container with deal

[deal.II] Solution mismatch (FullMatrix vs. PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix)

2022-02-08 Thread Hermes Sampedro
Dear all, I am experiencing strange behaviour in what I am trying to do and I would like to ask for a bit of support. I have a running solver done with a distributed MPI implementation. The solver is similar to step-29, where real and imaginary parts are used and a 2N system is solved. Now I

Re: [deal.II] Help with step-7 Neumann boundary conditions

2022-02-08 Thread Ali Seddiq
Dear Wolfgang, Sorry to raise this topic again. But when I add the boundary term to the to cell_rhs on assembly_system, I receive the following message, based on which most likely this addition leads to an invertible matrix: An error occurred in line <457> of file in function void dealii

[deal.II] deal.II Newsletter #200

2022-02-08 Thread 'Rene Gassmoeller' via deal.II User Group
Hello everyone! This is deal.II newsletter #200. It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library. ## Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features: #13344: Fix boundary IDs for `pipe_junction`. (proposed by marcfehling;

Re: [deal.II] Help with step-7 Neumann boundary conditions

2022-02-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 2/8/22 09:12, Ali Seddiq wrote: This is while if I change the pressure, naming it as U2 to another scalar field variable , naming it as U1, it works, though I get zero iteration for U1, and in fact it does not solve for U1. For example if I write: fe_face_values[U1].value(i, q_point) *...  

Re: [deal.II] Solution mismatch (FullMatrix vs. PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix)

2022-02-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 2/8/22 09:06, Hermes Sampedro wrote: I checked that in both cases, the operators/system_matrix have the same values just in the assemble_system() function. I was wondering if there is something internally that change somehow the systme_matrix. I can see that after checking the values of th

Re: [deal.II] Solution mismatch (FullMatrix vs. PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix)

2022-02-08 Thread Hermes Sampedro
Dear Wolfgang, Thank you for the clarification. In that case, I am missing some operation somewhere... Let me clarify what I am doing. Apart from building the system_matrix, I save the operator L in the assembling process. But I did not do any distribute_local_to_global nor compress to that

[deal.II] DataOut class only offers 6 digit output for double type?

2022-02-08 Thread huyanzhuo
I'm using the 8.5.1 version. As the theme side, i gives a vector to a DataOut object, the type of the vector entry is double, with 15 effective digit. But there is only 6 digit when write to a file (vtk or gpl). My vector is around 1647.99932, the result write into the file is 1648. How c

Re: [deal.II] Solution mismatch (FullMatrix vs. PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix)

2022-02-08 Thread Timo Heister
> *L_operator(local_dof_indices[i],local_dof_indices[j]) = cell_matrix(i,j);* *This looks incorrect, because global pairs of indices will happen more than once in a normal assembly (with a continuous finite element). You have to add the contribution using +=.* On Tue, Feb 8, 2022, 16:52 Hermes S

Re: [deal.II] DataOut class only offers 6 digit output for double type?

2022-02-08 Thread Timo Heister
huyanzhuo, We compute and then output data inside DataOut as float (32 bit floating point) and not as double (64bit). Float has an accuracy of approximately 7 decimal digits, so your number would be roughly 1647.999 but it happens to be rounded up to 1648.000. I am afraid there is no easy way to c

Re: [deal.II] DataOut class only offers 6 digit output for double type?

2022-02-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
As the theme side, i gives a vector to a  DataOut object, the type of the vector entry is double, with 15 effective digit. But there is only 6 digit when write to a file (vtk or gpl). My vector is around  1647.99932, the result write into the file is 1648. How can i improve the presion of