Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-04-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 4/6/22 05:46, Léonhard YU wrote: The number of degree of freedom of 8-node cell is 8 according to the reference book, but in deal.II it is 8*3. I do not understand that. I guess that each column in matrix S is for one DoF, but I am not sure. I will point you again at the vector-valued doc

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-04-06 Thread Léonhard YU
Dear Prof. Bangerth, Thanks for your great help. I made a mistake on copying the definition of function at 2), but it is not right either. I rewrote the codes. The stiffness matrix is constructed according to (Latex): \left[\mathbf{k}_{m}\right]=\iiint[\mathbf{B}]^{T}[\mathbf{D}][\mathbf{B}] d

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-03-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 3/29/22 19:26, Léonhard YU wrote: 1) cell_mass_matrix(i, j) += rho *  fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point) *   fe_values.shape_value(j, q_point) * fe_values.JxW(q_point); Yes, this is not correct unless you prefix it with if (fe.system_to_component_index(i).first == fe.system_to_compon

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-03-29 Thread Léonhard YU
Thanks for your reply, professor. I have constructed the stiffness matrix as step-18 does, but the difficulty is the mass matrix. I use these to construct mass matrix: 1) cell_mass_matrix(i, j) += rho * fe_values.shape_value(i, q_point) * fe_values.shape_value(j, q_point) * fe_values.JxW(q_poi

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-03-29 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 3/28/22 21:09, Léonhard YU wrote: I am constructing a code to solve the eigen problem of a solid structure,. I use the step-36 as a sample, but I don't know how to write a new one for 3D solid structure with tensil modulus E = 2.0e11, poisson ratio = 0.3 and density = 7.85e3. If you have an