Re: [deal.II] some errors when I try to run the program on a cluster

2022-10-26 Thread hao weiye
I have checked the summary.log.And I find the "DEAL_II_WITH_BOOST set up with external dependencies" just like this. [image: summary.PNG] I try to install dealii-8.4.1. The boost on this system is 1.53. On Thursday, October 27, 2022 at 6:19:57 AM UTC+8 Jan Philipp Thiele wrote: > This could be re

Re: [deal.II] some errors when I try to run the program on a cluster

2022-10-26 Thread Jan Philipp Thiele
This could be related to We had a somewhat similar problem on our workstations in that deal.II ignored the specified BOOST_DIR in the cmake call. If you still have the build directory of the deal.II installation you could check the summary.log whet

Re: [deal.II] some errors when I try to run the program on a cluster

2022-10-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/26/22 06:02, hao weiye wrote: Thanks for your reply. I had  investigated with my system administrator.And I am sure I have linked the boost library when I compiled deal.II.When I open the /dealii-8.4.1//lib/cmake/deal.II/ I find something strange just like this picture.And I thought if the

Re: [deal.II] some errors when I try to run the program on a cluster

2022-10-25 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/25/22 17:54, hao weiye wrote:      I am trying to run my program on a cluster and a submit the homework by "qsub". However, something goes wrong like this 捕获.PNG In ths picture, "R0.5-0.2K-r2.41-ST" is the name of my executable file. And this is my pbs file. I cant find out what problem

[deal.II] some errors when I try to run the program on a cluster

2022-10-25 Thread hao weiye
Hello everyone: I am trying to run my program on a cluster and a submit the homework by "qsub". However, something goes wrong like this [image: 捕获.PNG] In ths picture, "R0.5-0.2K-r2.41-ST" is the name of my executable file. And this is my pbs file. I cant find out what problem happened. Than