Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-17 Thread Timo Heister
For error computations using cellwise errors you can use VectorTools::compute_global_error(), which does the MPI communication for you: See step-55 for example. On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 1:4

Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 8/17/22 03:10, chong liu wrote: I modified Step-74 based on the error_estimation part of Step-50. I found it can work for the attached step-74-mpi, while it cannot work for the attached step-74-mpi-error. The only difference is the location of the output command as the attached figure 1 sh

Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 8/13/22 20:36, chong liu wrote: Thank you for your reply. The link you shared is extremely helpful. I will try to extend Step-74 based on the ideas in Step-50. If you make that work, it would actually be quite nice to have that as a code gallery program! Feel free to submit it as such (an

Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-13 Thread chong liu
Hello Timo Heister, Thank you for your reply. The link you shared is extremely helpful. I will try to extend Step-74 based on the ideas in Step-50. Best, Chong On 14 Aug 2022, 12:29 AM +0800, Timo Heister , wrote: > Hi Chong, > > MeshWorker does work without much effort in MPI parallel code and

Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-13 Thread Timo Heister
Hi Chong, MeshWorker does work without much effort in MPI parallel code and is made to help with exactly this (who assembles what is non-trivial if you have hanging nodes and processor boundaries). The only thing you have to watch out for is supplying the right flags that determine the cells and f

[deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-12 Thread chong liu
Dear community, I have a problem in the assembly part when solving Step-74 (DG method) by MPI. Generally speaking, we can first determine whether one cell is locally owned or not by cell->is_locally_owned(), and then assemble matrices and residuals by hands (e.g. Step-40 for CG and “Distributed