> If you know that your FiniteElement is interpolating (which I assume given
> the way you compute the maximum) and that J_tor= x*solution+solution_max/y
> is in your ansatz space (probably not) or an interpolation is sufficient,
> you can use something like
> J_tor(local_dof_indices
> I defined Function for right_hand_side.
> template
> double RightHandSide::value (const Point &p,
> const double psi,
> const double psi_max,
> const unsigned int /*component*/) const
> {
> double rhs;
> rhs = p(0)*psi+psi_max/p(1);
> First of all, Thank you very much for your reply
> This can only work if you know that the maximum is attained at one of the
> support_points
> of your FiniteElement. In general, you can use
> VectorTools::integrate_difference to find a good approximation
> to the maximum value of your
//by Han(To get psi0)
> Vector::iterator max;
> max=std::max_element(solution.begin(),solution.end());
This can only work if you know that the maximum is attained at one of the
of your FiniteElement. In general, you can use
VectorTools::integrate_difference to find