On 08/20/2018 07:49 AM, Daniel Arndt wrote:
Hence, the answer to your question is "No, the FEValuesExtractors
objects don't carry any information which FiniteElement they belong to.".
In other words, these extractors are just like indices: an index 'i'
doesn't know which array it subscripts.
> I have a simple question: if I define two FESystem:
> [...]
> FESystemfe_1;
> FESystemfe_2;
> [...]
> fe_1 (FE_Q(degree), 1,
> FE_Q(degree), 1),
> fe_2 (FE_RaviartThomas(degree), 1),
> [...]
> when I need to use "FEValuesExtractors" separatel