Thanks for the fast reply, this is exactly what I needed!
El miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016, 19:38:35 (UTC+2), bangerth escribió:
> > I am solving an eigenvalue problem similar than step-36. After solving
> for the
> > eigenpairs, I evaluate the eigenfunctions in the standard way:
> >
> >
I am solving an eigenvalue problem similar than step-36. After solving for the
eigenpairs, I evaluate the eigenfunctions in the standard way:
VectorTools::point_value ( mapping, dof_handler, efun[m],
q_points[j], Uq );
where: efun[m] is the m-th eigenfunction from step-36,
Dear all,
I am solving an eigenvalue problem similar than step-36. After solving for
the eigenpairs, I evaluate the eigenfunctions in the standard way:
VectorTools::point_value ( mapping, dof_handler, efun[m],
q_points[j], Uq );
where: efun[m] is the m-th eigenfunction from step-36,