On 3/4/22 06:31, syed ansari wrote:
Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion and It helped
me to debug the code. I have meshed up with the usage of the locally_relevant
vector and the locally_owned vector. I have attached the video clip of the
solution and the code for yo
Prof. Bangerth,
Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion and It helped
me to debug the code. I have meshed up with the usage of the
locally_relevant vector and the locally_owned vector. I have attached the
video clip of the solution and the code for your reference. I apologize
the error message is not particularly good, but I think what is happening is
that you are passing in a fully distributed vector to a function that expects
a vector that has ghost elements for locally relevant but not locally owned
On 2/11/22 07:40, syed ansari wrot
Dear All,
I am trying to execute step-26 (Heat Equation) in parallel with
adaptive mesh. I could execute the code with 1 processor using mpirun and
if more than one processor is used, the program returns the following error