Dear Prof. Bangerth,
Thank you very much for your reply! Apologies for the ambiguity. What I
meant is for the interface condition to hold weakly on the boundary and
that, as you correctly pointed out, the jump in the gradient should equal
the pressure times the normal vector. As such, I spec
and side
to both sides (i.e. with zero pressure on both sides). This does not
happen if I solve just stokes everywhere or just laplace (with the same
right hand side :i.e. zero contribution from pressure).
Kind regards,
Georgios Sialounas
On Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 5:42:34 AM UTC+1, Wolfg
Dear Daniel,
Thanks for your reply! Essentially what I was trying to do is patch
together two product spaces: ([H1_0]^2, L^2_0) in one part of the domain
and ([H1_0]^2, L^2_0) in another, with an interface condition to ensure
solvability for my problem (Stokes in one part of the domain, laplac
Dear Time,
Thank you very much! I've been using the preconditioned CG solver that
came with the tutorial thus far. I'll have a crack with GMRES.
Kind regards,
On Sunday, August 19, 2018 at 1:23:29 AM UTC+1, Timo Heister wrote:
> Georgios,
> this is discussed very briefly in step-
Dear Prof. Bangerth,
Thank you very much!
Kind regards,
On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 10:05 PM, Wolfgang Bangerth
> On 08/11/2018 09:37 AM, wrote:
>> I would be most grateful for your help on the following matter. I am
>> solving a combined stokes-l
// stokes_cg
// Created by Georgios Sialounas on 19/08/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 Georgios Sialounas. All rights reserved.
/* -
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 by the deal.II authors
* This file is part of the deal.
Dear all,
In step 46 (and step 22 too if possible) for stokes, how to we ensure that
the pressure is uniquely defined (i.e. that it is in L^2_0)?
Kind regards,
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Dear all,
I would be most grateful for your help on the following matter. I am
solving a combined stokes-laplace problem (have a vector valued solution).
I am trying to calculate the hdiv norm on the first two components of my
solution (i.e. the two components of the velocity), cellwise.