ed in library will resolve the issue.
> Best,
> Jean-Paul
> On 22 Aug 2018, at 21:30, Zhibo Luo >
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently update my MacOs system to latest macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)
> and crash my dealii. so I decide to reinstall dealii th
Hi all,
I recently update my MacOs system to latest macOS High Sierra (10.13.6) and
crash my dealii. so I decide to reinstall dealii through candi script. The
installation works fine except some warnings. The problem is that when I cd
to step-1, cmake and make command get passed, however, when
:12 AM, Zhibo Luo wrote:
> >
> > I encountered a problem recently when I refine and coarse mesh. I know
> > the material id is inherited from mother to child cell upon mesh
> > refinement. But what is the rules when coarsening the mesh? For example,
> > in 2D, I h
Hi guys,
I encountered a problem recently when I refine and coarse mesh. I know the
material id is inherited from mother to child cell upon mesh refinement.
But what is the rules when coarsening the mesh? For example, in 2D, I have
four neighbored cells which have different material ids, then w