[deal.II] candi deal.ii

2017-12-11 Thread Peimeng Yin
Install deal.ii by candi === TESTING: FortranMPICheck from config.packages.MPI(config/BuildSystem/config/pack*** UNABLE to CONFIGURE w

[deal.II] sparse matrix multiplication

2017-12-04 Thread Peimeng Yin
I want to solve a linear system, which has the following form (A+B A^{-1} B) u = f Here A is a diagonal black matrix, B is a block matrix that I can figure out the pattern. Are there any solver that I can use to solve the linear system? or Can I figure out the pattern of B*B or BA^{-1}B ? B

[deal.II] deal.II problem on Mac (Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64)

2017-07-11 Thread Peimeng Yin
Hi all, I used deal.II to solve my personal code and I can run it on Linux, but when I run it on Mac, it shows bug as follows. I am wondering anyone can help me on it. Location: /usr/local/deal.II /usr/local/lib : links to deal.II, lac, base,tbb,lib*,libdeal_II.g.dylib, libdeal_II.dylib /usr/