I am continuing to try to use DEAL with Visual Studio.
I have had some success but ran into a problem when I tried to include
the bundled
umfpack via the Cmake directive
Deal II seemed to build without problems but when I tried to build
example step-56,
I got unsatisfie
I discovered that the C++ settings in the cmake-generated project for
> step-1 were set to debug even in Release mode. After fixing that,
this example built and ran OK.
Thanks again for the help.
The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.org/
For mailing list/forum option
> >deal_II.g.lib is the Debug version of the library. The Release version
> OK, thanks, I didn't understand the significance of the naming. Guess I
was expecting it
to be more VS-like with different directories for debug and release.
I'm trying to build step-1. In VS. I change the configu
Rebuilt the library in Release mode but, unfortunately, still get the same
error about not being able
to open deal_II.g.lib. That lib is still over 2.6 GB in Release mode if, in
fact, the size is the problem.
I am building in 64-bit mode, as recommended, by the way.
At this point, I assume I ha
> > However, there is another problem that has been present also in VS2013:
> 75>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
> *'..\..\lib\deal_II.g.lib'*
I am also getting this error message when trying to link using VS2015 in
debug mode.
For future releases, is there any possibilit