No, the program that produced the error is serial not parallel.
Wolfgang Bangerth schrieb am Montag, 10. Juni 2024 um 04:30:33 UTC+2:
> On 6/8/24 07:51, Simon wrote:
> >
> > Before refinement, dofHandler stored 138 DoFs, after refinement 202.
> >
> > I could not reproduce the error
One more thing:
you should loop over q point before loop over dof.
Léonhard YU 于2024年6月8日周六 18:14写道:
> Dear all,
> I am working on impose constant pressure load on a plate's upper surface.
> The code is derived from step-18 and attached below. But I found that the
> diplacement is not right, an
Hi Léonhard
Your solution may not Converge to a mesh-independent solution.
Léonhard YU 于2024年6月8日周六 18:14写道:
> Dear all,
> I am working on impose constant pressure load on a plate's upper surface.
> The code is derived from step-18 and attached below. But I found that the
> diplace
On 6/8/24 07:51, Simon wrote:
Before refinement, dofHandler stored 138 DoFs, after refinement 202.
I could not reproduce the error on a minimal example.
However, it is not clear to me why
make_hanging_constraints() reports an error associated with dof index 167,
if I cleared the constraints obj