[deal.II] "constraints for degree of freedom ... should not be stored ... " after SolutionTransfer

2024-06-08 Thread Simon
Dear all, I am doing a SolutionTransfer in the same fashion as described in the docu of SolutionTransfer class. After calling -triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement(); I proceed with -dofHandler.distribute_dofs(feSystem); -constraints.clear(); -DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(

[deal.II] Pressure load on a plate upper surface in solid mechanics

2024-06-08 Thread LĂ©onhard YU
Dear all, I am working on impose constant pressure load on a plate's upper surface. The code is derived from step-18 and attached below. But I found that the diplacement is not right, and it varies when the number of face elements changes. I am thinking about something wrong with the loading bu