Hi there,
We want to construct a 3D triangulation by extruding a 2D triangulation
(one that potentially contains hanging nodes) and we only want one
slice/layer of mesh on the extrusion direction.
Looking around in the GridGenerator namespace led me to the
extrude_triangulation function. It’
Of course, Approach B is the right way to go if I want to produce reliable
After plenty of hours of debugging, I found a possible source for the
The member function called by my assembly routine has the following
void fun(const Tensor<2,3 & F,
const d
Hi dealii community,
I think I found where the problem lies. In order to reproduce the assertion
that gets thrown, i.e.,
An error occurred in line <1690> of file
in function
const dealii::FiniteElement&
dealii::DoFAccessor::get_fe(unsigned int)
const [with int structdim = 1; int dim =