On 3/23/23 22:36, RUIJIAN LU wrote:
I understand it. So when computing the equation and I need it times
"2*pi*r", I should call pull_back() to transform the coordinates of the
cylinder's vertices to "(r, phi, z)" to get "r". Is it right?
First, if you work in cylindrical coordinates, you pro
On 3/24/23 11:04, Simon wrote:
Having all that said, is there any reasonable argument as to what could
cause the program output to be different by just adding ...<<... statement?
There is no reasonable argument why that should be the case. The
function you are calling looks like this:
Dear all,
my deal.ii program is called roughly 300 times from a matlab script for the
purpose of a parameter identification. In essence, given some parameters,
the matlab script calls deal.ii to compute a displacement field. I exchange
the data transfer between deal.ii and matlab by reading fro
thanks again for your valuable advise. Always a pleasure to receive support
from the boss ;-)
> In the scope of this loop the shape function gradients at the quadrature
> points are used to compute the desired output variable by a special
> calculation rule. However, these are not t