Dear all
I am looking for available methods to find cells cut by some given curve.
I found such a case in step-60 and made this example
As shown in the figures, some cells are not identified though they are cut by
the curve. Thi
Thanks a lot for the info!
On Wednesday, 14 December 2022 at 19:23:14 UTC+5:30
> Gourab,
> Multicomponent vector is currently not supported. Part of the
> infrastructure is already present as you saw but you cannot use MatrixFree
> on GPU with mult
On 12/13/22 00:00, Deepika Kushwah wrote:
1. I have 2 materials in a single domain for which I already defined
material_id in triangulation. Now how to call these material_id while
calculating strain values? (as material_ids are only related with lambda and mu).
In my previous email, I already
Exactly, I would like to use what my DataPostprocessor computes in other parts
of the programme.
This is not the right approach. DataPostprocess is used to put derived
quantities into output files, not to compute data that can then be used in
other parts of the program. For what you
Multicomponent vector is currently not supported. Part of the
infrastructure is already present as you saw but you cannot use MatrixFree
on GPU with multicomponent vectors at the moment.
On Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 1:19:19 AM UTC-5 wrote:
> I am t
I'm also seeing this warning and from what I found on the internet it's
harmless. Exception handling might be a bit slower but that's about it.
On Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 11:22 PM Praveen C wrote:
> Hello
> When compiling deal.ii on macos M1 with clang I get these messages
Dear colleagues,
Spread the word: the SCCS and the preCICE team are organizing the 4th
workshop of the coupling library preCICE, this time at LRZ in Garching
(Munich/Germany). Expect user and developer talks, hands-on training
sessions, discussions with the developers on your applications and u
Hi Jean-Paul and Wolfgang,
Exactly, I would like to use what my DataPostprocessor computes in other
parts of the programme.
Here my problem:
In my postprocessor, I compute stresses and principal stresses for all
quadrature points (to give you the context, I am using quad elements with 4