Hello everyone.
I was able to apply the boundary conditions I mentioned earlier:
Fix the lower left node in both x and y, and also fix the lower right node
in y.
The lower right node is free to move in x.
I am also applying a displacement in y on the top face.
For this problem, both x and y disp
It is working
On Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 7:02:05 PM UTC+5:30 bruno.t...@gmail.com
> Sorry, it should be output.precision(12)
> Bruno
> Le mar. 11 oct. 2022 à 09:03, Wasim Niyaz Munshi ce21d400 <
> ce21...@smail.iitm.ac.in> a écrit :
>> Did you mean
>> output.
Thanks for taking the time to come back to this!
I will give it a try to implement your suggested scaling.
" The sum you show is only one vector. You need 8 basis vectors.
Think of it this way: You have 8 parameters, which I'm going to call
a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h. The parameter space is 8-dimensional, a