Dear Bruno,
thanks for your advice. It actually helped to find another error related to
a rank one deficient linear system due to a missing pressure boundary
However, this did not help to debug my actual issue. I solved the
non-linear PDE system on coarser meshes and realized that t
On 4/6/22 05:46, Léonhard YU wrote:
The number of degree of freedom of 8-node cell is 8 according to the
reference book, but in deal.II it is 8*3.
I do not understand that. I guess that each column in matrix S is for
one DoF, but I am not sure.
I will point you again at the vector-valued doc
On 4/6/22 02:36, 陈敏 wrote:
solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs,
Can you try to use PreconditionIdentity() instead?
Wolfgang Bangerth email:
Dear Prof. Bangerth,
Thanks for your great help.
I made a mistake on copying the definition of function at 2), but it is not
right either.
I rewrote the codes.
The stiffness matrix is constructed according to (Latex):
Dear Chen,
in the class PETScWrappers::PreconditionNone the method vmult is only
defined for vectors of the type PETScWrappers::VectorBase. The class
PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector however is not inherented from
PETScWrappers::VectorBase but from BlockVectorBase< VectorType >.
Therefore, your
Hi everyone,
I have a question on the solving of the block system that can solve a block
system without providing any preconditioner when using an iterator solver?
for example, PETScWrappers::PreconditionNone()?
Here is an error when I used the SolverFGMRES with PreconditionNone.
> LA::MPI:
Dear Jack,
this code has not yet been fully ported to deal.II-v9.3.0. I realize that I
am using the dealii:v9.2.0-focal docker container in my github actions
workflow. On this container, the code compiles. If you want to compile
inside the dealii:v9.3.0-focal container you need to add
Dear Jack,
as the compiler error says the variables are not defined in the respective
scope. You define vL2_error, pL2_error, vH1_error, pH1_error inside the for
loop from line 1803 to 1861. Outside this loop, the variables are not
defined anymore. The same applies to the variables vLinfty_erro