[deal.II] Question about "make_periodicity_constraints"

2022-01-12 Thread SY
Hi, I am trying to implement periodic boundary conditions and looking at the tutorial 45 (https://www.dealii.org/current/doxygen/deal.II/step_45.html). It seems that DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints(periodicity_vector, constraints, fe.component_mask

[deal.II] online preCICE workshop in February 2022

2022-01-12 Thread 'David Schneider' via deal.II User Group
Dear all, the preCICE team is again organizing an online workshop from Feb. 21 to Feb. 24, 2022. Have a look at our workshop program for details. preCICE itself is a coupling library, allowing you to couple (different) simulation software in a b