I most likely copied this mistake from the regular Cylinder and did not
think of it when I coded the subdivided cylinder.
Alex, if you feel comfortable, you could go ahead and make a PR following
Wolfgang's suggestion. Otherwise, I'll gladly look into it this week :)
On Friday, June
Hello everyone!
This is deal.II newsletter #172.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the
deal.II finite element library.
## Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:
#12508: Introduce RepartitioningPolicyTools::CellWeightPolicy (proposed
Hi Peter,
Thanks a lot!
It worked for me like this (described in
https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/set/set/set/ ):
bool(*fn_pt)(Point,Point) = comp_points; //comp_points is my
function as I declared it in the question
std::set< Point, bool(*)(Point,Point) > vertices(fn_pt);
Just for a better u
Hi Simon,
you don't need to modify the point class. You can simply pas to the
constructor of the set a comparator. See the first answer
in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2620862/using-custom-stdset-comparator.
Hope this helps,
On Sunday, 27 June 2021 at 12:15:40 UTC+2 Simon wrote:
> D
Dear all,
I am trying to create a set of Points, i.e std::set>.
I get a quite extensive error message when trying to insert a point in the
set but for my understanding of the message, the only problem is the
missing operator< for two points.
(Well I could make use of a std::vector instead but