Re: [deal.II] Setting manifold for a truncated cone mesh

2021-04-08 Thread
This has worked! Many thanks! On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 9:11:04 PM UTC+5:30 peterrum wrote: > I am not sure. But it is worth a try! > > Peter > > On Wednesday, 7 April 2021 at 13:30:59 UTC+2 wrote: > >> Peter, >> >> Thanks for your response. I am using GridOut because I

Re: [deal.II] Mesh Refinement & Periodic B.C.

2021-04-08 Thread Jean-Paul Pelteret
Hi Stephen, I know that Wolfgang has already answered you and has mentioned that having the refinement levels differ across periodic interfaces is permitted. At some point I wanted to ensure that they were identical, and I wrote a little function to do that and have pasted it below just in case

Re: [deal.II]Change from dealii-9.0.0 to deal.ii-9.2.0

2021-04-08 Thread 陈敏
Dear David, Thanks for your reply, it’s enough, I will read the document. Sincerely, Chen On Fri, Apr 9, 2021 at 00:21 Wells, David wrote: > Hi Chen, > > No and yes - the same functionality has been moved into the Manifold > classes, which are much more general than the old Boundary classes. For

Re: [deal.II]Change from dealii-9.0.0 to deal.ii-9.2.0

2021-04-08 Thread Wells, David
Hi Chen, No and yes - the same functionality has been moved into the Manifold classes, which are much more general than the old Boundary classes. For example, GridGenerator::hyper_ball automatically attaches a SphericalManifold to the boundary of the input Triangulation, which achieves the same

[deal.II]Change from dealii-9.0.0 to deal.ii-9.2.0

2021-04-08 Thread 陈敏
Dear all, >From the website[The deal.II Library: Changes between Version 9.1.1 and 9.2.0 ], I knew that have been removed: Removed: The deprecated headers deal.II/grid/tria_boundary.h and > deal.II/grid/tria_bo

[deal.II] deal.II Newsletter #161

2021-04-08 Thread 'Rene Gassmoeller' via deal.II User Group
Hello everyone! This is deal.II newsletter #161. It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library. ## Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features: #12024: Add class FEImmersedSurfaceValues (proposed by simonsticko) ht