Did you call
with subdivisions > 1?
Thanks a lot. I was missing this. Since my mesh has only straight edges, I
am instead calling
On Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 2:03:19 AM UTC+5:30
I am using the PRISMS-PF framework (which is based on deal.II) on the
Skylake (skx) nodes (with 48 processors each) of the Stampede2 cluster.
I recently ran a series of strong scaling tests and noticed that the
intra-node performance (i.e. 1 node, 1-48 processors) scales poorly,
Hello everyone!
This is deal.II newsletter #150.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the
deal.II finite element library.
## Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:
#11596: Fix ThreadLocalStorage assigment operators (proposed by nmuch)