[deal.II] .msh file triangulation failed

2020-09-21 Thread yuesu jin
Dear all, I have one problem when I try to input the .msh file with grid_in function. The error message is : * Exception on processing: An error occurred in line <3139> of f

[deal.II] Using DataOut when dim != spacedim

2020-09-21 Thread Malhar T.
Hello All, I hope you are doing well ! I am working on a surface patch in 3D (dim=2 & spacedim=3 and developed using ChartManifold<2,3> by following code similar to step-53 ) and I would like to output the results into a vtk file. I a

[deal.II] New steps 19 and 68

2020-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
All, we don't publicize these things well enough, so let me mention that there are two new tutorial programs: * https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/step_19.html * https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/step_68.html Both of these show how one can couple the PDEs we typically solv

[deal.II] Multi-physics implementation

2020-09-21 Thread Ray Mclaren
Hi, I have a question regrading multi-physics problem implementation. I am developing a program that will solve the steady-state thermal conduction (laplace) first and then the allen-Cahn equation. both of the problems are solved on the same mesh, however due to the nature of my specific implem

Re: [deal.II] step-1 Error

2020-09-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Hi Luca, Are you running the terminal, or the deal.II application? When you run the deal.II application, you are dropped into a terminal (with instructions) to run deal.II examples. Including how to set up your bashrc (or zshrc) to point to the deal.II Installation/the module command. He