On 6/26/20 11:05 AM, Victoria W. wrote:
This fixed my problem in 2d, but I'm still having issues in 3d. Any other
suggestions for getting a .msh file read in when it's a 2d mesh in 3d space?
Posting the mesh I want to use here, with the type 15 elements removed. I've
also tried other softwar
I would like to implement a DG solver that would solve the
convection-diffusion equation and later implement another code to solve the
incompressible NS equation using DG as well. Tutorials 12 and 12b use
different approaches to solve the pure convection equation, and so I was
wondering whic
>From the figure you can't really tell whether the boundary condition is
fulfilled or not. If you want to check if the normal derivative is
reasonable (almost equal to 0) at the boundary, the easiest is probably to
plot the solution on a line in the radial direction. This can be done by
I am in the process of learning DG and dealii.
I would like to implement a DG solver that would solve the
convection-diffusion equation and later implement another code to solve the
incompressible NS equation using DG as well. Tutorials 12 and 12b use
different approaches to solve the p