On 2/14/20 12:49 AM, Thodoros Katsaounis wrote:
I am on a linux workstation with ubuntu 18.04. I have successfully installed
deal-II (9.1.1)
including ginkgo. When I tried to run the deal-II tests with 'make test' ALL
of them failed.
The reason of failing in ALL tests is due to the following
While going through the documentation, I came across options for DMP linear
solvers but couldn't find any with SMP.
Could somenone please guide me to any such possibilities within the library or
through interface to some external library.
You could also go through PETSc. You can build the
You could try to use SuperLU_MT (see
https://portal.nersc.gov/project/sparse/superlu/) but we don't have wrapper
for it. The Krylov solver in deal.II are multithreaded but the
preconditioners are not. What you can try is to use deal.II solvers and
STRUMPACK (https://github.com/pghysels/
Hi everyone!
I am currently implementing some stationary Stokes solvers based on step-55.
Therein, Taylor-Hood elements are being used. One can check the optimal
order of
convergence easily comparing to the Kovasznay or Poisuille flow solution,
the first one being already implemented in this ste
Dear deal.ii Community,
I am working on finite deformation hyperelasticity problem which is
essentially a nonlinear-vector-valued problem with displacement as the
unknown at each support point(dim=2,3). *With regards to parallelism, we
currently restrict ourselves to shared memory parallel (S
Here is a summary of the installation process on Cray XC50.
I have configured deal.II with MPI, LAPACK, SCALAPACK, PETSc and p4est. Our
system didn't have p4est so I started with installing it. All cray
libraries are in /opt/cray/pe/lib64/ in out system.
*Installing p4est*
1. Download source fi