Hi deal.ii community,
Little cmake question: I set up a user project with include, test, doc and
source directory. I am collecting some code in a library and then I link a
few application files to the library. I followed the guidelines of the
documentation and everything is fine. Now one little
Deal all,
I want to use matrix-free method to implement a phase field simulation, the
control equation consists of the allen-cahn equations and mechanics
Is there any tutorial dealing with vectored-problem using matrix-free? as I
have looked at the step-37,48,59, they are all scalar
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
You are right that one could just leave the mapping as a simple 2D and
change the weak formulation. However I think that it is possible to solve
an axisymmetric problem without touching the weak formulation. I have been
working for quite
Thanks for the explanation Praveen.
On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 2:27 PM Praveen C wrote:
> Here is an example of vmult
> int n = 10;
> FullMatrix A(n,n);
> // Fill A
> Vector v(n), w(n);
> // Fill v
> A.vmult(w, v);
> This implements
> w = A*v
> Best
> praveen
> On 08-Nov-2019, at 11:48 AM