thanks for your reply!
i got the problem solved. my fault is the misuse
of communicate_locally_moved_vertices function.
i got the "shallow hole" because i move the mesh when the mesh is deformed
, the mpi processor does't know the right place of ghost layer cell.
i solve the problem by correct
Dear Colleagues,
>I am working on thermal analysis where deal.ii
> Step-26 is being considered. In my case the thermal diffusivity
> (Coefficient being multiplied with Laplace Matrix) is temperature dependent
> and hence varying in every cell (or node). That i
For further information, hoping this can be of use,
it turned out that the very same error in slepc installation occurs with
gcc@7.4.0 .
This strikes me a bit, because I did install deal.ii with such a compiler
on a ubuntu machine, rather than CentOS7, via spack.
The issue was reported on Spack
Hello everyone!
This is deal.II newsletter #96.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the
deal.II finite element library.
## Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:
#8892: Replace std::bind in documentation (proposed by masterleinad)
On 10/7/19 5:32 AM, 'Maxi Miller' via deal.II User Group wrote:
> I implemented the changes in step-36 suggested in the tutorial for using
> ARPACK instead of PETSc (as shown in the attachment). Now, the solver reports
> a convergence in 4294967295 iterations (with correct result), thus I assume
I implemented the changes in step-36 suggested in the tutorial for using
ARPACK instead of PETSc (as shown in the attachment). Now, the solver
reports a convergence in 4294967295 iterations (with correct result), thus
I assume a overflow/underflow bug. Is that something which I should report