Dear Wolfgang,
In the meanwhile that the VectorTools::interpolate_based_on_material_id
function is taking care of, I just did the same through the following code
to change my solution vector in the specific regions with designated
material_id, which may be used by those who have the same issue
Dear Wolfgang: Thank you for your time addressing this issue.
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> Thank you for opening the Github issue. I've been looking around the function
> implementation and will be trying to figure out the issue. I will update you
> once I have some understanding.
Hamed: I think I have a fix for this. Take a look at the pull request linked
to from the github page
Currently I have to solve a system of several time-dependent equations, one
set being a set of different heat equations, and one set is a set of
schrödinger/maxwell (depending on the requirement) equations. All equations
are coupled. The domain of the latter set is bigger than the domain of the
I would like to use the function vector_value_list for the interpolation
between two different grids (one externally, one internally) instead of
having to loop over all points and calling value_list for each point. Now I
already know that not all points are within the range of the current
Short update: I was using an additional library
( to enable sending of status reports
when running on the HPC. Linking this library on our HPC when compiling the
program in release mode led to a segfault in the function mentioned above,
even though I never ca