2017-04-16 19:05 GMT-04:00 Bill Greene :
> which looks to me like I'm still compiling step-1.cc in debug mode but
> trying to link to a release library. step1.obj is in
> C:\temp\dealii-8.5.0\examples\step-1\step-1.dir\Release
Yes, it looks like it. I would advise you to recompile deal.II in a
> >deal_II.g.lib is the Debug version of the library. The Release version
> OK, thanks, I didn't understand the significance of the naming. Guess I
was expecting it
to be more VS-like with different directories for debug and release.
I'm trying to build step-1. In VS. I change the configu
first, is there a reason you are using deal.II 8.3.0, which is by now
to big releases behind?
Second, can is there a more modern MPI and compiler you can try? We
have had many problems with intel compilers in the past, so I would
try a gcc with mpich or openmpi unless you are sure in what y
2017-04-16 17:32 GMT-04:00 Bill Greene :
> Rebuilt the library in Release mode but, unfortunately, still get the same
> error about not being able
> to open deal_II.g.lib. That lib is still over 2.6 GB in Release mode if, in
> fact, the size is the problem.
deal_II.g.lib is the Debug version of the
Rebuilt the library in Release mode but, unfortunately, still get the same
error about not being able
to open deal_II.g.lib. That lib is still over 2.6 GB in Release mode if, in
fact, the size is the problem.
I am building in 64-bit mode, as recommended, by the way.
At this point, I assume I ha
2017-04-16 15:46 GMT-04:00 Bill Greene :
> For future releases, is there any possibility of splitting this library into
> 2 or more smaller ones?
Probably not. We have talked about it in the past and the problem is
that you can't just split the library when you build it. We would need
to restructur
> > However, there is another problem that has been present also in VS2013:
> 75>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
> *'..\..\lib\deal_II.g.lib'*
I am also getting this error message when trying to link using VS2015 in
debug mode.
For future releases, is there any possibilit