Re: [deal.II] error when trying to initialize PETSc preconditioners

2016-08-12 Thread Ignacio Tomas
Many thanks Timo. I tried PreconditionBlockJacobi and it worked. However, I am running a validation loop of progressively smaller meshes, and stops again with a error when I make the call to initialize for the second time which is expected since ''initialize()'' can only be called once. Of

Re: [deal.II] error when trying to initialize PETSc preconditioners

2016-08-12 Thread Ignacio Tomas
Many thanks Timo. I tried PreconditionBlockJacobi and it worked. However, I am running a validation loop of progressively smaller meshes, and stops again with a error when I make the call to initialize for the second time (I have to do it, since the matrix is the same ... but has changed, I hav

[deal.II] Daniel Arndt and Jean-Paul Pelteret appointed deal.II Developers

2016-08-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
All, I want to share the good news that Daniel Arndt and Jean-Paul Pelteret have accepted our invitation to become deal.II Developers. They are now listed at Both of them have provided patches throughout the library for several years already, but you all proba

Re: [deal.II] error when trying to initialize PETSc preconditioners

2016-08-12 Thread Timo Heister
Hey Ignacio, good to hear from you! Sadly this is not documented well, but the ICC preconditioner is only implemented for BAIJ matrices and not MPIAIJ (which we use even if you run on one processor), see You should be abl

[deal.II] error when trying to initialize PETSc preconditioners

2016-08-12 Thread Ignacio Tomas
Hi, everybody. I am just trying to initialize either ICC, Jacobi or ParaSalis preconditioner from PETSc, using a PETSc matrix in parallel. So far I am running just one mpi process. After the call to ''.initialize'' I get: [0]PETSC ERROR: No support for this operation for this object type [0]

[deal.II] Re: Data exchanges in IO

2016-08-12 Thread Daniel Arndt
Bruce, The p_local_solution vector is filled with values as the result of solving > a linear equation, p_local_rho is filled with values by looping over > individual elements and assigning values calculated from other quantities. > Part of the reason the p_local_rho vector doesn't have ghost no

[deal.II] Data exchanges in IO

2016-08-12 Thread bjpalmer58
Hi, I'm trying to write out some data from a calculation being run in parallel. I've got two vectors, p_local_solution and p_local_rho of type PetscWrappers::MPI::Vector. The p_local_solution vector is initialized using a statement p_local_solution.reinit(p_locally_owned_dofs,p_locally_relevan

Re: [deal.II] does the latest dealii prepackaged image file for Mac OSX come with 'other software packages' such as p4est, PETSc, Trilinos, etc?

2016-08-12 Thread Luca Heltai
Yes it does. Luca > On 11 ago 2016, at 20:36, thomas stephens wrote: > > It's not clear to me from the github dealii wiki for MacOSX whether or not > the prepackaged image file for OSX comes with all of the optional third party > libraries that are listed as optional software in the dealii R

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-08-12 Thread Daniel Arndt
Joel, Yes the matrix you are assembling is a vector-valued mass matrix now. For me your code is failing with void dealii::FEValuesBase::get_function_gradients(const InputVector&, std::vector >&) const [with InputVector = dealii::Vector; int dim = 3; int spacedim = 3; typename InputVector::valu

[deal.II] Re: Vector-valued gradient of solution vector

2016-08-12 Thread Joel Davidsson
Dear Daniel, Thank you for a fast answer. I think I got the matrix and right-hand side correct now, please see for the example code. What I want to from the start was to get the vector-valued gradient from a scalar field, but I could not get this to work. See section "Do not work" in f

[deal.II] Re: Extra layer around mesh

2016-08-12 Thread Joel Davidsson
Ok Thanks, Joel On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 6:05:41 PM UTC+2, Bruno Turcksin wrote: > > Joel, > > On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 11:29:35 AM UTC-4, Joel Davidsson wrote: >> >> >> I just had a question about the third option. If one used FE_Nothing, >> what is the boundary that is used when