Uh...it's SAIC. I used to work for a subsidiary so I wouldn't touch this POS
with a ten-foot tempest pole.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann)
Subject: TEMPEST PC for sale on ebay
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 19:39:02 +1300
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Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/10/15/0640206
Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-10-15 12:39:00
jangobongo writes "Researchers at the [1]VTT Technical Research Centre
of Finland have come up with a unique way to secure your cell phone if
it should get lost or stolen: 'Gait code'. Motio
In a lengthy interview with The Washington Diplomat, Joseph said the HERO Actsponsored in the House by Rep.
Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.)would create 100,000 to 150,000 jobs in Haitis once vibrant manufacturing sector.
From 80,000 jobs at one time, the manufacturing sector has dwindled to 25,000 j