Hi Lev,
On Nov 19 14:30, Lev Bishop wrote:
> Maybe my analysis from some years ago can be relevant here? Another
> issue with delayed acks and winsock. I haven't been following cygwin
> for some time, so not sure exactly what the status is:
> https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-patches/2006-q2/msg00031.h
packets (2 bytes).
> >> We have a case open against Microsoft but since everything is moving
> >> very slow we would like to work around by picking socket buffers that
> >> are multiple of 4k.
> >
> > Thanks for the patch. One question:
> >
> >&
Maybe my analysis from some years ago can be relevant here? Another
issue with delayed acks and winsock. I haven't been following cygwin
for some time, so not sure exactly what the status is:
Lev Bishop
d like to work around by picking socket buffers that
>> are multiple of 4k.
> Thanks for the patch. One question:
>> Change log:
>> 2014-11-18 Iuliu Rus
>> * net.cc Change default values for socket buffers to fix performance
>> on 10Gb networks
re multiple of 4k.
Thanks for the patch. One question:
> Change log:
> 2014-11-18 Iuliu Rus
> * net.cc Change default values for socket buffers to fix performance
> on 10Gb networks.
> Index: winsup/cygwin/net.cc
buffers to fix performance
on 10Gb networks.
Description: Binary data