mv error building LilyPond tests, maybe MAX_PATH related

2025-03-07 Thread Saul Tobin via Cygwin
Hello, I've encountered a kind of bizarre error when trying to build GNU LilyPond regression tests on Cygwin 3.5.7-1 on Windows 11. For one and only one folder, `mv` fails with `mv: cannot move './out-test' to './out-test-baseline': Permission denied`. The distinguishing feature of the failing fol

Re: mv error building LilyPond tests, maybe MAX_PATH related

2025-03-09 Thread Saul Tobin via Cygwin
> > my experiment with "mv" breaks near 4090 path length > with "File name too long" and this in not the error > from lilypond build. > Moving a directory that contains 999 levels > and final path up to 8880 character is not a problem. Hi Marco, Thanks for checking into this. In your tests, we