Re: Cannot install Cygwin

2003-04-02 Thread fergus
ase installation. Whatever you do after clicking the selector, (i) do not click it a 2nd time (because it looks as though nothing is happening) and (ii) be patient (because, actually, something is). Hope this helps. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: B

nano and TERM

2003-04-05 Thread fergus
cygwin" message. (On the other hand, pico works fine.) Please can you tell me whether this is a minor correct-able glitch in nano or whether there's a deeper problem (like, I've misunderstood the dual-use principle described above). Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

Re: nano and TERM

2003-04-05 Thread fergus
27;s applications. Certainly I find am still able to use ls, find, md5sum, cmp, diff, ..., loads of others, ..., and pico. I am more or less certain that I have successfully used nano in these circumstances. But currently I am getting the error message earlier described: "Error opening te

Today's revision of pcre : possible cause of damage?

2003-06-05 Thread fergus
\pcretest.exe Also a call to less causes a "missing cygpcre.dll" error message. There may be other problems induced by this revision OR I really have suffered a moderately damaging slipped finger whilst running it. Can anybody confirm or otherwise? Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

pcre : recovery

2003-06-05 Thread fergus
to be found, I think ...) What should I do with these 4? Delete some/all? Move some/all to c:\Cygwin\bin\? Thank you again. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: http://cygwi

Re: -Download from internet = 1Mb?!

2003-06-18 Thread fergus
lve temporarily blinding Windows to your installed Cygwin. Not difficult. Discussed on the mailing list at various times ... can be more specific if you want. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentatio

Re: Problems with Nano

2003-06-21 Thread fergus
problem with regexp Search-and-Replace: if I try to add {string} to the end of every line in a file using (to get regexp mode) Search $ Replace {string}then I just get repeated appends {string}{string}{string}... at the current line and no sequential movement to the next line. Any ideas? Fergus

Re: Download from internet = 1Mb?!

2003-06-27 Thread fergus
pwd # to confirm your current location /cygdrive/c/Cygwin/bin/ PATH=. # so that the "mount" command can be found bash remount.txt # to process the remount script Then exit. Then you can start Cygwin just as you used to. Fergus PS. I _think_ this is as simple

Re: Download from internet = 1Mb?!

2003-06-27 Thread fergus
directory back to Cygwin. Sorry. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: Download from internet = 1Mb?! (potential FAQ entry)

2003-06-27 Thread fergus
\setup\timestamp. It was a Default = Base download. I haven't tried it with which might behave better. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Doc

Re: Cygwin on cdrom

2003-07-01 Thread fergus
#x27;s possible, and the thread talks about that too. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Starting up : file seek order

2003-07-03 Thread fergus
ong. I could try to use that, which would necessitate understanding it. Yuk. And run the risk of breaking the current happy working-ness on W98 systems. I know I could, and should, try it. But maybe something I've written will generate a quick and clear pointer to what's tripping the NT mo

Deeply unattractive naming convention

2003-07-03 Thread fergus
2 unknown mkpasswd 2048 Jul 3 18:51 bin/ It seems a strangely arbitrary and inappropriate choice to me. If this is a Unix inheritance then I suppose it's best not to fiddle, but is it something that could be altered? (Is it, in fact, a minor error?) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

Re: How can I download onto one computer then install onto another

2003-07-04 Thread fergus
your machine. Run setup.exe and choose "Install from Local Directory" (the local directory in this case being {yourdrivename}:\{yourfoldername}). Should work. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports:

Re: How can I download onto one computer then install onto another

2003-07-04 Thread fergus
> Umm, Fergus, if it wasn't downloaded, what did his friend run to > download the rest of the packages? ;-) He might have selected "Open" not "Save" after clicking on to: much more convenient, doncha think?! Fergus -- Unsubscribe

Globally redirecting output elsewhere than /tmp/

2003-07-10 Thread fergus
other directories too is occasionally proving to be problematic.) Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations

2003-07-16 Thread fergus
"abc x def" to "def x abc": that is, to grab two distinct portions and swap them (using $1,$2 or \1,\2 or whatever). Sorry for asking: I know it's a sin: hope the end articulated above justifies the means. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

RE: Cygwin's vanilla sed : capabilities and limitations

2003-07-17 Thread fergus
Igor and Dave, Thanks for your solutions. Perfect, absolutely fit to the purpose. Should have said so sooner. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ

How to make your own portable Cygwin on CD

2003-07-19 Thread fergus
the degree of personalisation that a user will require. But if you felt like trying this out and offering any enhancements or improvements to the instruction sequence, that would be really nice. Thank you. Enjoy, I hope. Fergus Step 0 If you already have Cygwin installed on your machine, climb

How to make your own portable Cygwin on CD : whoops

2003-07-19 Thread fergus
> The file cygwin.bat is sent as to get through gateways. I meant: The file cygmin.bat is sent as to get through gateways. > ... note the requirement for a matching change to the file /cygwin.ini. I meant: ... to the file /cygmin.ini. Sorry. Fergus -- Unsubscrib

Recent upgrade of xfree-xserv: missing DLLs

2003-08-01 Thread fergus
) are related: yesterday there was a massive upgrade of other parts of the XFree86 provision. Any connection? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ

Re: starting up in rxvt ?

2003-08-03 Thread fergus
ng start XWin -multiwindow, then you can start a rxvt session as above prefixed with the command "run ". Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: Setup can't install from local drive?

2002-10-03 Thread fergus
setup.ini. However: installation from a CD has worked successfully for me: see the text at the top of the link referenced above for the appropriate architecture. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting:

md5sum : strange error message : "invalid option"

2002-10-05 Thread fergus
example. I can't see anything odd about my desktop, or files on it or under it. In particular, nothing beginning with a upper-case M. Any ideas? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation:

Re: md5sum : strange error message : "invalid option"

2002-10-05 Thread fergus
> Does it have a file name with an embedded hyphen, maybe? Something > like: > > /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Desktop/Data -Modified.lnk Absolutely right. Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: http://cygwin.c

Re: cygwin copy

2002-10-15 Thread fergus
what has been left out when you copied c:\Cygwin to the new location. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

Subdirectory name : release/ELFIO/ or release/elfio/

2002-10-18 Thread fergus
In a recent version of setup.ini the subdirectory for ELFIO named release/ELFIO/ became release/elfio/. Now (setup-timestamp: 1034885409) it's back to release/ELFIO/. (Sorry. I just seem to notice this sort of thing, and then I worry about it.) Is that it, for now? Fergus -- Unsubscribe

Re: Subdirectory name : release/ELFIO/ or release/elfio/

2002-10-18 Thread fergus
for example ; ; ...) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

pico and nano: number of lines displayed

2002-11-12 Thread fergus
about "previously", but I use these editors pretty frequently and with long files.) The command used is pico or nano , no switches. Has anybody else found this? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting:

Re: pico and nano: number of lines displayed

2002-11-12 Thread fergus
th a false alarm. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: pico and nano: number of lines displayed

2002-11-13 Thread fergus
viim in a rxvt windows and has also noticed this difference, yesterday or the day before??) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ: http

Re: pico and nano: number of lines displayed

2002-11-13 Thread fergus
out to be a piece of daft local mismanagement. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

rxvt, stty and login

2002-11-13 Thread fergus
art Cygwin with the sparse switchless command c:\Cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe Then just do this: $ stty -a speed 38400 baud; rows 25; columns 80; line = 0; < .. and lots of other stuff .. > $ login login: fergus @ LEPER ~ $ stty -a speed 38400 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0; < .. and

Re: Another less/rxvt prob: Not interpreting ?

2002-11-20 Thread fergus
that it reads C:\Cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -geometry 80x58+0+0 -tn cygwin -backspacekey ^H -e /bin/bash --login -i (I've got ^H not ^?.) This works fine for me in all contexts including the one mentioned by you (editing a search string) and I haven't got the phrase 'stty anyth

vim under rxvt : screaming ^G as though keyboard buffer full

2002-11-21 Thread fergus
or to anything else. No problems with vim at the bash prompt. Anybody else getting the same now or in the past? Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation:

Re: vim under rxvt : screaming ^G as though keyboard buffer full

2002-11-21 Thread fergus
Sorry: far too quick to the list. I had set terminal type to 'linux' whilst exploring something else. It seems that vim doesn't like this at all. OK when terminal type set back to 'cygwin' or 'rxvt' or ... Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:


2002-11-23 Thread fergus
now "unknown". I'm using W98/SE. Alternating between 1.3.15-2 and 1.3.16-1 means the phenomenon described comes and goes. Full install. All other provision upgraded to latest available version incl. bash-2.05b-8. Just letting you know. Possibly user error. Thanks anyway. Fergus -- U

Re: cygwin-1.3.16-1

2002-11-23 Thread fergus
;id" and your passwd file? Thank you. Here is startup location and the information you requested in cygwin-1.3.15-2: ~> id uid=500(fergus) gid=544(bonhard) groups=544(bonhard) ~> cat /etc/passwd fergus::500:544::/home/fergus:/bin/bash ~> cat /etc/group bonhard::544: ~> ... and he

Re: cygwin-1.3.16-1

2002-11-24 Thread fergus
> Thanks Fergus, everything looks perfect. > I need some more help: > - is your username under Windows really fergus? No. I manually edit /etc/passwd after a fresh Cygwin install. Otherwise my name and group are both "unknown". Which is fine by me, as (deliberately) I do

Re: cygwin-1.3.16-1

2002-11-24 Thread fergus
> (i) - define HOME before starting cygwin (in cygwin.bat or autoexec.bat) OK, tried this too as suggested: then started up Cygwin 16-1 but to no useful effect. Still found that I started in / rather than ~ = /home/fergus, and got echo $HOME / rather than echo $HOME /home/fergus as in 1

Re: New setup.exe beta

2002-11-26 Thread fergus
very start during "Parsing setup.ini" which I don't remember happening with The pause does not seem anything like long enough for a battery of MD5 checks to be taking place, however. (And if they are, which I am sure they are not, then they are not being indicated.) O

Re: New setup.exe beta

2002-11-26 Thread fergus
en the change correctly occurs under the present setup.exe for example, what is actually happening to take the clicker such a long time to change from Default to Install? There doesn't seem to be any disk access during this interval.) Thanks. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: http://cy

Re: New setup.exe beta

2002-11-26 Thread fergus
is type of agony frequently reported by users of more sophisticated (well: more recent, anyway) O/S. Thanks anyway. I'll try to be more illuminating next post. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: AW: cygwin emacs: broken key mappings

2002-12-03 Thread fergus
ekey ^H -e /bin/bash --login -i Does that help? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: AW: cygwin emacs: broken key mappings

2002-12-03 Thread fergus
comes up with another suggested switch: -deletekey ^D Any good? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

setup-2.303.exe tries to download setup.exe binary (as well as src)

2002-12-07 Thread fergus
offers setup- as available (and always x'd). No other src files are x'd by default: what's special about this? Please could it be altered to be un-x'd by default, if I am not missing some vital logic? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

Text file created from the keyboard is DOS termninated

2002-12-07 Thread fergus
rectable?) Thank you. By the way, if I try $ cat > textfile << X > this is line1 > this is line2 > X $ (where > is the provided prompt) then the two-line file textfile is Unix-terminated. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug report

Re: Text file created from the keyboard is DOS termninated

2002-12-08 Thread fergus
> Your are using textmode mounts. Worx fine with binmode: Thanks for trying this out. I'm not using textmode mounts; and it doesn't seem to be working fine with binmode. Contrast the two methods of textfile creation in the following snippet: ~> mount c:\Cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type

Re: pipe improvements in snapshot

2002-12-11 Thread fergus
minute off the times. Then tried creating new files as in time cat | nice -0 dd of=hugefile2 time cat | nice --1 dd of=hugefile3 (this took about 30s each) and checked md5sums. Not a byte out of place. Fergus P.S. Thanks to thomas for these good diagnostic scripts. -- Unsubscribe info

Re: More pipe (and other) improvements in snapshot

2002-12-14 Thread fergus
0m24s time cat 0.uue | nice --1 dd of=1.uue # snapshot 0m34s md5sum *.uue d1c39bc5b58a1b29b311dc3bd92c1834 *0.uue d1c39bc5b58a1b29b311dc3bd92c1834 *1.uue Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting:

Repeated gcc yields differing .exe files

2002-12-20 Thread fergus
h myfile.c which is why I looked at hello.c. The variations in successive copies of myfile.exe were again in bytes 137 and 217. Fergus hello.c Description: Binary data -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentati

guile-1.5.6-5 mentioned in setup.ini

2002-12-31 Thread fergus
seems odd to me but I can think of reasons why what might be [prev] for one package might be [curr] for others. Please can the correct-ness of this be confirmed by the maintainer? Sorry, and thanks. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: http

Re: sort kills cygwin

2003-01-14 Thread fergus
ch I have done, not to any identifiable disadvantage) delete all Windows references from your path. (So this is my Cygwin path: ~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting:

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-doc-1.3

2003-01-17 Thread fergus
evious version of these docs. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

grap and Bison 1.75 -> 1.875 -> 1.875a

2003-02-25 Thread fergus
installed over 1.75 without any murmurs of objection. And, finally, when tested, grap-1.27 installed successfully under bison-1.875a as it had under bison-1.75. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Doc

Re: Setup "Download from Internet" Question

2003-02-27 Thread fergus
ady. At the end of setup you will find your mounts miraculously recovered, and away you go. Works for me. (It might not be necessary to do all the umount and ren stuff, but I find it safe and secure and saves bother of the sort I think you were describing.) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: http

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: bison-20030307-1

2003-03-09 Thread fergus
Thanks for recent update to bison which addresses all issues raised in and (as far as I can determine things) now works flawlessly. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting:

nano editor : v.1.2.0 released

2003-03-09 Thread fergus
possibility, when you have a moment, and if this passes your quality checks, that this update could be incorporated into the Cygwin provision? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: http

ls : fails with a long list

2003-03-12 Thread fergus
d is so specific to my own resource. I tried mimicking the problem under /usr/bin, quite heavily populated, but not heavily enough as it turned out.) Thank you. Fergus PS strace gives a 3.6 MB output file for [c-p] but is empty for [c-q]. -- Unsubscribe info:

Re: ls : fails with a long list

2003-03-12 Thread fergus
body know if anything has altered recently? and can anybody explain the phenomenon?" Anyway, it seems from an earlier response to be something bash-related, so I imagine for the moment I am stuck with it. Thanks again. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

Re: Installation from locally stored packages

2003-11-26 Thread fergus
, not a Cygwin thing.) 6. Put the CD in your laptop and run h:\Cyg0\setup.exe. Repeat: I think this works. It's ages since I did it. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: http:/

Re: Installation from locally stored packages

2003-11-26 Thread fergus
Oh God, sorry, ignore previous advice. I didn't notice that your desktop machine runs Linux. Thanks, Kevin. Quite a different problem from that addressed by me. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports:

Accident: deleted installed.db

2003-12-07 Thread fergus
? I've tried cygcheck -c but this clearly requires installed.db in the first place, to provide its output. I really really don't want to have to start again ... Thanks. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports:

Re: Accident: deleted installed.db

2003-12-08 Thread fergus
> cd /etc/setup > echo "INSTALLED.DB 2" > installed.db > ls *.lst.gz | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.lst\.gz$/\1 \1-0.tar.bz2 0/' >> installed.db Thank you. This worked and saved a lot of effort. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

Filenames with spaces: very rare in Cygwin

2004-01-15 Thread fergus
script for fiddling about with +R and +S files when achieving a portable version of Cygwin on CD. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ

Re: Filenames with spaces: very rare in Cygwin

2004-01-15 Thread fergus
t so that it no longer stumbles at these three. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Keypress anomaly: maybe locality specific

2004-01-26 Thread fergus
your own". I appreciate the somewhat locality-specific nature of this query, but have I explained it sufficiently to suggest that it shouldn't be happening, even in a minority situation, and maybe for cause and cure to be evident to somebody who can implement that cure? Thank you. F

Re: Keypress anomaly: maybe locality specific

2004-01-26 Thread fergus
Thank you for picking this up. Attachment: cygcheck.out. Fergus cygcheck.out Description: Binary data -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ

No on-screen response to keypress until press spacebar

2004-01-26 Thread fergus
rs, all similar and apparently related to the above. I know I have seen this or similar symptoms recently described, but cannot find it. Possibly in a X context, so I'm copying this to the cygwin-xfree list too. Can anybody please point me to the thread (and, with any luck, explanation

Re: [v2.416] Cannot install Cygwin, using setup.exe

2004-02-04 Thread fergus
from "Default" to "Install" (which may itself take a while) there may be appreciable pauses while apparently nothing us happening (thinks: hung?) when in fact a lot is going on. Suggest you have another shot? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

setup "base": strange behaviour of libbz2-1 and libpcre

2004-02-18 Thread fergus
-1.0.2-5 and libpcre0-4.5-1. Is there a reason why these two are not selected and installed at run 1? I tried looking at setup.ini but found nothing exceptionable. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Do

Re: setup "base": strange behaviour of libbz2-1 and libpcre

2004-02-18 Thread fergus
> In my TODO to review ... Thanks. Everybody is so busy, it's amazing you all do even half of what you actually do do. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: http://cy

u2d and d2u : No such file or directory

2004-02-27 Thread fergus
ticed that if test.fil is DOS-terminated, then fmt returns just the last line of test.fil. This may actually be a correct behaviour, but it seemed weird to me.) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Document

Re: u2d and d2u : No such file or directory

2004-02-27 Thread fergus
gt; . You're absolutely right. Finally I did a clean re-install and this symptom has evaporated. Sorry for false (or poor) reporting. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports:

man rxvt

2004-03-10 Thread fergus
All responses to man present properly to screen as far as I can tell with the exception of man rxvt which contains a lot of explicit code of the style .YODLTAGSTART roffcmd ... .YODLTAGEND. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: http

fmt: strange decisions "when to wrap"

2004-03-17 Thread fergus
wing the intrusive newline there is always just one word to the end of the original para ...) I've tried the same thing with -8000 and -32000 ... same phenomenon, different instances of it. Any explanation? Should I try par (which seems a bit of a sledgehammer for a very simple requiremen

cygwin1-20040318.dll.bz2: labelling glitch?

2004-03-19 Thread fergus
I find that bunzip2's to cygwin1-20040316.dll but maybe this is just a labelling slip, and this nightly snapshot really is that for 18th? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem re

Re: cygwin1-20040318.dll.bz2: labelling glitch?

2004-03-19 Thread fergus
>> The DLL unpacks to the right name >> on both linux and windows You're absolutely right,of course. Very sorry. I've been talking complete nonsense for about a month (and not just in this forum). I'll zip it for a month instead. Sorry again. Fergus -- Unsubscribe i

md5sum mismatch: setup.ini v. md5.sum v. mirror

2004-03-22 Thread fergus
existed for a while. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: Bogus assumption prevents d2u/u2d/conv/etal working on mixed files

2004-04-06 Thread fergus
II 1B to 1F, and 7F to FF)? (Or, I suppose in general for any of 00-FF though there's a "^A - ^Z" chunk at the beginning and a alphanumeric chunk in the middle, that are easily found by direct means.) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info:

check and libncurses5: minor packaging problem

2004-04-09 Thread fergus
Trying bzip2 -tv yields bad magic numbers for both of release/check/check-0.8.4-1-src.tar.bz2 release/ncurses/libncurses5/libncurses5-5.2-1-src.tar.bz2 The md5sums for these files are as reported in setup.ini. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem

cat: problem cured in snapshot 20040409

2004-04-11 Thread fergus
e tried (many) this problem is cured with snapshot 20040409. And with 20040411. Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Thanks for two recent fixes

2004-05-12 Thread fergus
'm so impressed. Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

sed -i causes +S+H

2004-05-11 Thread fergus
ed file 'file2' possesses just +A.) This (sed -i) seems an arbitrary and damaging change to the file's permissions: indeed, if you then try editing file1 using nano, there is a "Error writing file1: Permission denied" error message when an attempt is made to save the file after

Re: bash: tab completion failure from (but not at) /

2004-05-11 Thread fergus
ash (and, if it's worth reporting additionally, with rxvt -e bash). Thanks. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: setup crashes

2004-05-05 Thread fergus
Have you got setup.ini as well as setup.exe in d:\cygkit\? You'll need it. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: http://cygwi

Re: Problem with home installation

2004-05-24 Thread fergus
If you are getting a "bash-2.05b$" prompt you could look at /etc/group and /etc/passwd. I find I need to hand-edit these two files both at home and at work because in both locations I call myself "fergus" with all my stuff under /home/fergus/: however, at home on instal

Failure: snapshot 20040525

2004-05-25 Thread fergus
ailed even to start. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Cygwin Nightly Snapshots

2004-06-07 Thread fergus
having to explain to a wife or a boss. Any chance of a different name?! Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:

Re: Setup.exe release-candidate

2002-03-15 Thread fergus
1, or something close to it, as standard? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

setup.exe : latest snapshot

2002-03-18 Thread fergus
354,816 setup-20020315.exe 355,328 setup-20020317.exe 3,326,321 Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

Where can I get setup.exe.old?

2002-03-21 Thread fergus
Please could you provide a link to the previous version of setup.exe from about a week ago, forgotten version number, but stable for a long time? Have looked for setup.old on mirrors but not successfully. Thank you. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug

Directory structure : updates to mingw-runtime and w32api

2002-04-09 Thread fergus
/. Correct behaviour? Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: FAQ:

setup.exe v. : tetex-beta-20001218-4

2002-04-11 Thread fergus
Either it's the new setup.exe v., or some glitch in the current associated setup.ini (setup-timestamp: 1018593006), but every visit to now results in a new installation of tetex-beta-20001218-4. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.c

RE: setup.exe v. : tetex-beta-20001218-4

2002-04-12 Thread fergus
/usr/include/kpathsea/xstat.h Installing file cygfile:///etc/ Installing file cygfile:///etc/postinstall/ Installing file cygfile:///etc/postinstall/ compress::~compress called compress::~compress called 2002/04/12 08:17:00 running: c:\Cygwin\bin\sh.exe -c /etc/postinstall/post-tet

RE: setup.exe v. : tetex-beta-20001218-4

2002-04-12 Thread fergus
peated instruction to download a further copy of tetex-beta, that is now exhibited in v.24. Would it? Or maybe the @tetex-beta paragraph in setup.ini has also recently been altered.) Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: http://cyg

RE: setup.exe v. : tetex-beta-20001218-4

2002-04-12 Thread fergus
-timestamp: 1018572604 setup-version: ** ** setup.ini version: beta-20001218-4 ** setup.old version: 20001218-4 ** Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting: Documentation: http

Reversion to earlier behaviour

2002-04-16 Thread fergus
define all aliases, in ~/.bashrc. After today's new installation I find things are back to the former architecture: everything picked up from ~/.bash_profile. Strange (nothing significant in the provision seems to have altered since yesterday). Nice (simple, elegant). But correct? expected? F

No "install:" line for curl in current setup.ini

2002-04-16 Thread fergus
In the current setup.ini (from, anyway: timestamp 1018990206) curl has sdesc: and ldesc: and category: and requires:. But no install: line(s). Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug reporting:

setup.ini : strange postgresql instructions

2002-04-18 Thread fergus
setup.ini stamped 1019135438 upgrades postgresql 7.2-2 to 7.2.1-1 setup.ini stamped 1019143833 upgrades postgresql 7.1.3-2 to 7.2-2 Problem with versions? For the moment I'm keeping 7.2.1-1. Thanks. Fergus -- Unsubscribe info: Bug repo

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